Correlation with annealing temperature of pure and doped ZnO thin film

  • Foued Chabane University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Noureddine Moummi University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Said Benramache University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Okba Belahssen University of Biskra, Algeria
  • Djamel Bensahal University of Biskra, Algeria


Transparent conducting pure and doped zinc oxide thin films with cobalt and indium were deposited on glass substrate by ultrasonic spray method. The thin films were deposited at 350 °C and annealed 500 °C. The direct correlation between the difference of the crystallite size (ΔG) and the difference of the Urbach energy (ΔEu) suggests that the crystallites sizes of the films are predominantly influenced by the disorder of the thin films. The crystallites size in the thin films depend by the disorder (less defects), where the minimum disorder confirmed the high crystallinity. The correlation of the conductivity before and after annealing temperature also indicates that the measurement in the electrical conductivity of the films by the optical band gap was equal; it is predominantly influenced by the transition tail width of undoped and doped ZnO thin films. It will be shown that the conductivity of undoped and doped ZnO is directly correlated with the band gap of the host material. The model proposed of pure and doped ZnO thin film with annealing temperature was investigated.


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How to Cite
CHABANE, Foued et al. Correlation with annealing temperature of pure and doped ZnO thin film. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 4, p. 202--206, june 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Electrochemical Power Sources


ZnO, Semiconductor doping, Thin films, Correlation.

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