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Electrical Engineering
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Pietrak, K., & Wiśniewski, T. S. (2015). A review of models for effective thermal conductivity of composite materials. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Nikonowicz, Ł., & Milewski, J. (2012). Virtual Power Plants-general review: structure, application and optimization. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Nikolaidis, P., & Poullikkas, A. (2017). A comparative review of electrical energy storage systems for better sustainability. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Stempien, J. P., Sun, Q., & Chan, S. H. (2013). Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell Modeling: A Review. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Chabane, F., Moummi, N., & ... (2013). Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Amhalhel, G., & Furmanski, P. (1997). Problems of modeling flow and heat transfer in porous media. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Nord, L. O., & Bolland, O. (2012). Steam bottoming cycles offshore-Challenges and possibilities. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Budzianowski, W. M., & Chasiak, I. (2011). The expansion of biogas fuelled power plants in Germany during the 2001-2010 decade: Main sustainable conclusions for Poland. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Mousafarash, A., & Ameri, M. (2013). Exergy and exergo-economic based analysis of a gas turbine power generation system. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Grzebielec, A., & Rusowicz, A. (2011). Thermal resistance of steam condensation in horizontal tube bundles. Journal of Power Technologies. Retrieved from
Top 10 most read articles ever
- Podowski, M. and Fijałkowski, W., 1977. Approximated calculation methods of unsteady temperature field in a light water reactor fuel rod. Journal of Power Technologies, 47, pp.21-33.
- Urbaniec, K., 1971. Theoretical Analysis of the Efficiency of Thermionic Energy Converter's. Journal of Power Technologies, 30, p.3.
- Chabane, F., Moummi, N. and Benramache, S., 2013. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(1), pp.52-58.
- Jedral, W., 1991. A Method of Computer Calculation of Axial Thrust and Internal Leakage in Centrifugal Pumps. Journal of Power Technologies, 75, p.3.
- Badyda, K., 1997. Corrected Sutherland's formula for calculating gas thermal conductivity. Journal of Power Technologies, 85, pp.45-54.
- Kawabata, M., Kurata, O., Iki, N., Tsutsumi, A. and Furutani, H., 2012. Advanced integrated gasification combined cycle (A-IGCC) by exergy recuperation-technical challenges for future generations. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(2), p.90.
- Ameri, M., Kiaahmadi, F. and Khanaki, M., 2012. Comparative analysis of the performance of a dual-fuel internal combustion engine for CNG and gasoline fuels. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.214-226.
- Miller, A. and Lewandowski, J., 1987. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF NOZZLE-CONTROL GOVERNING OF STEAM TURBINE. Journal of Power Technologies, 70, pp.29-46.
- Rehman, A., Nadeem, S. and Malik, M.Y., 2013. Stagnation flow of couple stress nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet through a porous medium. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
- Kwiatkowski, R. and Domański, R., 2012. Numerical analyses of heat transfer in high-temperature loaded turbine blades. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.208-213.
Top 10 most read articles currently
- Podowski, M. and Fijałkowski, W., 1977. Approximated calculation methods of unsteady temperature field in a light water reactor fuel rod. Journal of Power Technologies, 47, pp.21-33.
- Urbaniec, K., 1971. Theoretical Analysis of the Efficiency of Thermionic Energy Converter's. Journal of Power Technologies, 30, p.3.
- Chabane, F., Moummi, N. and Benramache, S., 2013. Experimental analysis on thermal performance of a solar air collector with longitudinal fins in a region of Biskra, Algeria. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(1), pp.52-58.
- Rehman, A., Nadeem, S. and Malik, M.Y., 2013. Stagnation flow of couple stress nanofluid over an exponentially stretching sheet through a porous medium. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
- Ameri, M., Kiaahmadi, F. and Khanaki, M., 2012. Comparative analysis of the performance of a dual-fuel internal combustion engine for CNG and gasoline fuels. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.214-226.
- Kawabata, M., Kurata, O., Iki, N., Tsutsumi, A. and Furutani, H., 2012. Advanced integrated gasification combined cycle (A-IGCC) by exergy recuperation-technical challenges for future generations. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(2), p.90.
- Marzouk, A. and Hanafi, A., 2013. Thermo-Economic Analysis of Inlet Air Cooling In Gas Turbine Plants. Journal of Power Technologies, 93(2).
- Kwiatkowski, R. and Domański, R., 2012. Numerical analyses of heat transfer in high-temperature loaded turbine blades. Journal of Power Technologies, 92(4), pp.208-213.
- Jedral, W., 1991. A Method of Computer Calculation of Axial Thrust and Internal Leakage in Centrifugal Pumps. Journal of Power Technologies, 75, p.3.
- Ameri, M. and Enadi, N., 2012. Thermodynamic modeling and second law based performance analysis of a gas turbine power plant (exergy and exergoeconomic analysis). Journal of Power Technologies, 92(3).