The New Adaptive Under Frequency Load Shedding Technique in an Automated Distribution Network Considering Demand Response Programs
Under Frequency Load Shedding (UFLS) is an important protection scheme to maintain the frequency of a Distribution Network(DN) consisting of Distributed Generations (DGs) exposed to power deficit. The different location and amount of loadcurtailments based on different parameters are acquired from the available literature. In this paper, an optimal adaptive UFLSmethod with the advent of two main modules has been proposed. The proposed method provides a revised Rate of Changeof Load (ROCOFL) index related to bus voltage and load power consumption (ROCOFLpv). Using a wide area measurementsystem, Demand Response (DR) technology aimed at shedding fewer loads is emerging against a background of the smartgrid. In addition, smart appliances can provide a real-time data packet in which frequency, the rate of change of frequency,voltage magnitude and breaker status are measured. The proposed method is implemented in five different load schemesconsidering DR programs. Comparative analyses are illustrated in this paper to assert the efficiency of implementing DRprograms in which cost function and amounts of shedding loads are decreased. The results demonstrate that DR programscannot be used for a big power unbalance in an islanded micro grid. The unintentional delay time imposed by DR and thesmall inertia existing in an islanded distribution network restrict the use of DR programs.References
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[13] Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, A Mokari, H Seyedi, and
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[14] Amin Mokari-Bolhasan, Heresh Seyedi, Behnam Mohammadi-ivatloo,
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[18] CP Reddy, S Chakrabarti, and SC Srivastava. A sensitivity-based
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[19] Urban Rudez and Rafael Mihalic. Analysis of underfrequency load
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[20] Urban Rudez and Rafael Mihalic. Predictive underfrequency load
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[21] H Seyedi and M Sanaye-Pasand. Design of new load shedding special
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[22] M Sforna and M Delfanti. Overview of the events and causes of the
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2006. PSCE’06. 2006 IEEE PES, pages 301–308. IEEE, 2006.
[23] Tohid Shekari, Farrokh Aminifar, and Majid Sanaye-Pasand. An analytical
adaptive load shedding scheme against severe combinational disturbances.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31(5):4135–4143,
[24] Lukas Sigrist, Ignacio Egido, and Luis Rouco. A method for the design
of ufls schemes of small isolated power systems. IEEE Transactions
on Power Systems, 27(2):951–958, 2012.
[25] V Tamilselvan and T Jayabarathi. A hybrid method for optimal load
shedding and improving voltage stability. Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
7(1):223–232, 2016.
[26] Vladimir V Terzija. Adaptive underfrequency load shedding based on
the magnitude of the disturbance estimation. IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, 21(3):1260–1266, 2006.
[27] Costas Vournas. Technical summary on the athens and southern
greece blackout of july 12, 2004. National Technical University of
Athens, 2004.
[28] P Wang and R Billinton. Optimum load-shedding technique to reduce
the total customer interruption cost in a distribution system. IEE
Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 147(1):51–
56, 2000.
[29] Ding Xu and Adly A Girgis. Optimal load shedding strategy in power
systems with distributed generation. In Power Engineering Society
Winter Meeting, 2001. IEEE, volume 2, pages 788–793. IEEE, 2001.
[30] BAO Yu-Qing, LI Yang,WANG Beibei, HU Minqiang, and CHEN Peipei.
Demand response for frequency control of multi-area power system.
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 5(1):20–29,
[31] Alireza Zakariazadeh, Omid Homaee, Shahram Jadid, and Pierluigi
Siano. A new approach for real time voltage control using demand
response in an automated distribution system. Applied Energy, 117:
157–166, 2014.
How to Cite
The New Adaptive Under Frequency Load Shedding Technique in an Automated Distribution Network Considering Demand Response Programs.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 98, n. 1, p. 127–138, may 2018.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.
Electrical Engineering
Under Frequency Load shedding; Rate of Change of Frequency of Load; Distributed Network Operator; Smart-Grid; Distribution Management System; Demand Response.
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