An evaluation of the possibilities of using turboexpanders at pressure regulator stations

  • Andrzej Osiadacz Warsaw University of Technology, District Heating and Natural Gas Systems Division, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warszawa, Poland
  • Maciej Chaczykowski Warsaw University of Technology, District Heating and Natural Gas Systems Division, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warszawa, Poland
  • Malgorzata Kwestarz Warsaw University of Technology, District Heating and Natural Gas Systems Division, Nowowiejska 20, 00-653 Warszawa, Poland


Natural gas in Poland is transported by onshore pipelines with a maximum operating pressure of up to 8.4 MPa. The gaspressure is then reduced to 1.6 MPa or 0.4 MPa for delivery to regional/local distribution networks or to end-user installations.The pressure reduction is usually performed by a pressure regulator. Pressure reduction can also be achieved throughexpansion of the gas at the turboexpander, which can be harnessed to produce electricity from the recovered mechanicalenergy of the gas. The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the efficiency of the gas expansionprocess and to carry out a feasibility study involving the application of turboexpanders at selected natural gas pressureregulator stations belonging to the Polish transmission system operator Gaz System S.A.


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How to Cite
OSIADACZ, Andrzej; CHACZYKOWSKI, Maciej; KWESTARZ, Malgorzata. An evaluation of the possibilities of using turboexpanders at pressure regulator stations. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 4, p. 289--294, dec. 2017. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025.
Energy Conversion and Storage


pressure regulator, turboexpander, waste energy recovery, city-gate station, pressure let-down station

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