New approach to optimizing combustion in power boilers using software inspired by the immune system integrated with an in–furnace temperature monitoring system

  • Łukasz Śladewski Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Konrad Wojdan Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Konrad Świrski Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology


This paper presents a new approach in combustion process optimization using an integrated solution of immune inspiredoptimizer (SILO) and acoustic temperature measurement system (AGAM). The solution maintains optimal temperature distributionby on-line, automatic and model based process control. The goal is to increase boiler efficiency, improve processparameters and minimize the environmental impact. This paper includes a description of system components—SILO andAGAM— and the designed solution for an existing, coal-fired power unit. The unit is already equipped with the AGAM systemand identification tests conducted previously informed the design. 


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How to Cite
ŚLADEWSKI, Łukasz; WOJDAN, Konrad; ŚWIRSKI, Konrad. New approach to optimizing combustion in power boilers using software inspired by the immune system integrated with an in–furnace temperature monitoring system. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 4, p. 308–313, jan. 2018. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Combustion and Fuel Processing


combustion process, advanced control, optimization, acoustic temperature measurement, efficiency,

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