Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems

  • Jaroslaw Milewski Warsaw University of Technology
  • Krzysztof Badyda Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Enegineering
  • Łukasz Szabłowski Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Enegineering


Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) technology and electricity generation by this system are described in this paper.General performances and possible system efficiency definitions of those kinds of systems are indicated. Hybrid systemswhich consist of CAES and other Renewable Technologies—RT—(e.g. wind turbines) are presented. A possible locationfor CAES–RT in Poland is indicated. A dynamic mathematical model of CAES is presented; using this model the results forcompressing and expanding operating modes are obtained.

Author Biography

Jaroslaw Milewski, Warsaw University of Technology


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How to Cite
MILEWSKI, Jaroslaw; BADYDA, Krzysztof; SZABŁOWSKI, Łukasz. Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 96, n. 4, p. 245--260, dec. 2016. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024.
Energy Conversion and Storage


Keywords: Compressed Air Energy System

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