The reduced order model of a proton-conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

  • Arkadiusz Szczęśniak Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology 21/25 Nowowiejska Street, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
  • Jarosław Milewski Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology 21/25 Nowowiejska Street, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland


Solid Oxide Fuel Cells are regarded as a high-efficiency, low-environmental impact technology for power and heat generation. SOFCs based on proton-conducting electrolyte is one of the most attractive technology, mainly due to high efficiency of energy conversion and operation at intermediate range of temperatures.The main objective of this paper is an investigation a possibility to apply the reduced order model proposed by Milewski [10] for modeling proton-conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. The reliability of simulation results were verified with experimental data reported in literature.It was shown that reduced order model is valid not only for ion-conducting SOFCs but also for proton-coducting SOFCs.


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How to Cite
SZCZĘŚNIAK, Arkadiusz; MILEWSKI, Jarosław. The reduced order model of a proton-conducting Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 2, p. 122--127, june 2014. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen


fuel cells, proton-conducting SOFC, numerical modeling

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