Use of computer modeling for defect engineering in Czochralski silicon growth

  • Vladimir Artemyev STR Group, Inc., Engels av. 27, P.O. Box 89, St-Petersburg, 194156, Russia
  • Andrey Smirnov STR Group, Inc., Engels av. 27, P.O. Box 89, St-Petersburg, 194156, Russia Soft-Impact, Ltd., 27 Engelsa st., building 12B, 194156 St-Petersburg, Russia
  • Vladimir Kalaev STR Group, Inc., Engels av. 27, P.O. Box 89, St-Petersburg, 194156, Russia Soft-Impact, Ltd., 27 Engelsa st., building 12B, 194156 St-Petersburg, Russia
  • Vasif Mamedov Soft-Impact, Ltd., 27 Engelsa st., building 12B, 194156 St-Petersburg, Russia
  • Tomasz Wejrzanowski Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Woloska 141, 02-507 Warsaw, Poland
  • Mateusz Grybczuk Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Woloska 141, 02-507 Warsaw, Poland
  • Peter Dold Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Otto-Eissfeldt-Strasse 12, 06120 Halle, Germany
  • Roland Kunert Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Otto-Eissfeldt-Strasse 12, 06120 Halle, Germany


The yield and quality of silicon wafers are mostly determined by defects, including grain boundaries, dislocations, vacancies,interstitials, and vacancy and oxygen clusters. Active generation and multiplication of dislocations during Czochralski monosiliconcrystal growth is almost always followed by a transition to multicrystalline material and is called structure loss. Possiblefactors in structure loss are related to high thermal stresses, fluctuations of local crystallization rate caused by melt flowturbulence, melt undercooling and incorporation of solid particles from the melt into the crystal. Experimental analysis ofdislocation density distributions in grown crystals contributes to an understanding of the key reasons for structure loss: particleincorporation at the crystallization front and strong fluctuations of crystallization rate with temporal remelting. Comparison ofexperimental dislocation density measurements and modeling results calculated using the Alexander-Haasen model showedgood agreement for silicon samples. The Alexander-Haasen model provides reasonably accurate results for dislocationdensity accompanying structure loss phenomena and can be used to predict dislocation density and residual stresses inmulticrystalline Czochralski silicon ingots, which are grown for the purpose of manufacturing polysilicon rods for Siemensreactors and silicon construction elements.


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How to Cite
ARTEMYEV, Vladimir et al. Use of computer modeling for defect engineering in Czochralski silicon growth. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 99, n. 2, p. 163–169, july 2019. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.
Materials Science


Czochralski silicon growth; Structure loss; Dislocation density

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