Using Braking Resistor to Improve the Performance of Neutral Point Clamped and Parallel Interleaved DFIG Converters

  • Kenneth Okedu Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Kitami Institute of Technology, Hokkaiddo, Japan


Recently, the use of multilevel converters is on the rise for medium and high voltage applications. Multilevel Converters (MLCs) have the merit of clamping the voltages thereby preventing the need for fast switching, in addition to providing cleaner output waveform for effective switching. As wind turbines are increasing in power ratings, MLCs could be well suited in regards to this application. This paper investigates the performance of a Neutral Point Clamped three-level converter system and a two-level parallel interleaved MLC system in a DFIG variable speed wind turbine during transient. The space vector modulations, switching sequences and strategies of both MLCs were analyzed. The DFIG-based wind turbine system was subjected to a severe grid fault to test the strength of both MLC systems. Furthermore a braking resistor connected to the stator of the DFIG was used to improve the performance of both MLC system. Simulations were run using Power System Computer Aided Design and Electromagnetic Transient Including DC platform. Results obtained using both MLCs were compared based on the performance index of some of the DFIG variables. Also, the responses of the MLCs were compared to the traditional two level DFIG converter topology.  
How to Cite
OKEDU, Kenneth. Using Braking Resistor to Improve the Performance of Neutral Point Clamped and Parallel Interleaved DFIG Converters. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 103, n. 3, p. 159-172, oct. 2023. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy


Renewable energy; DFIG; Power converters; Grid fault; Multilevel converters

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