Identification of the characteristics of a carbon dioxide breathing rotary sliding–vane expander

  • Jaroslaw Milewski Warsaw University of Technology
  • Piotr Lis
  • Artur Olszewski
  • Arkadiusz Sienko
  • Tomasz Sek


This paper presents a study providing the experimental analyses on the rotary vane expander operating conditions with carbondioxide as working fluid in comparison against air (chosen as reference). Such working fluid is promising for application asenergy converters in a waste heat recovery for electric power. Experiments were performed on a prototype of rotary slidingvane expander.The experiment demonstrated that commercially available multi–vane pneumatic engines can be adopted to waste heatrecovery systems. During the experiments, the operation of the multi–vane expander was kept under observation for variousinlet temperature, various pressure ratios, and various rotational speeds. Adequate maps of performances for air and carbondioxide were created, compared against each other, and commented. In general, by using the same machine, power andefficiency can be raised by only change of working fluid.

Author Biography

Jaroslaw Milewski, Warsaw University of Technology


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How to Cite
MILEWSKI, Jaroslaw et al. Identification of the characteristics of a carbon dioxide breathing rotary sliding–vane expander. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 3, p. 259--264, nov. 2017. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 jan. 2025.
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