Gas turbine selection for hot windbox repowering on 200 MW fossil fuel power plant

  • Artur Harutyunyan Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
  • Krzysztof Badyda Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
  • Marcin Wołowicz Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
  • Jarosław Milewski Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering


This paper focuses on and discusses the concept of hot windbox repowering in an existing steam cycle power plant. Usingcommercial software, for that process based on the fraction of oxygen in exhaust gases, nine different models of gas turbineswere tested in power plant model with a fossil fuel boiler. Then thermodynamic analysis of the power plant model before andafter hot windbox repowering was conducted. This work seeks to select the best fit gas turbine for hot windbox repowering fora 200 MW fossil fuel power plant and to gain a deeper understanding of the effect of hot windbox repowering. To this end ninemodels of gas turbines with different net electrical power (from 50 to 125 MW) were tested and General Electric production GEEnergy Oil&Gas MS9001E SC (GTW 2009) 123 MW gas turbine was selected as the most suitable for the model of the powerplant and, after repowering, the total power of the power plant rose to 398 MW. Calculations were performed in 2 stages:1) calculation and comparison of the thermodynamic parameters as well as carbon dioxide emissions of power plant modelbefore and after repowering with nine different gas turbines, 2) calculation of thermodynamic parameters of the combinedcycle power plant model before and after repowering in values 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% of fossil fuel boiler heat loads.

Author Biographies

Artur Harutyunyan, Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
PhD student in Power Engineering Division
Krzysztof Badyda, Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
Head of Institute of Heat Engineering, prof. dr hab. inż.
Marcin Wołowicz, Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
PhD at Power Engineering Division
Jarosław Milewski, Warsaw Universiy of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering
Head of Division of Power Engineering, dr hab. inż., prof. PW


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How to Cite
HARUTYUNYAN, Artur et al. Gas turbine selection for hot windbox repowering on 200 MW fossil fuel power plant. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 99, n. 2, p. 142-151, july 2019. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.
Power Plant


fossil boiler, hot windbox repowering, combined cycle power plant, CO2 emissions, GateCycleTM.

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