SRF gasification in GazEla pilot fixed bed gas generator for CHP units

  • Aleksander Sobolewski Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal
  • Tomasz Iluk Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal
  • Mateusz Szul Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal


The article presents issues associated with the use of SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) as a fuel for gasification technology.Advantages of the SRF for gasification are summarized. The novel design of the gas generator, developed at the Institute forChemical Processing of Coal is introduced. Physiochemical properties of the SRF fuel used for gasification are presented.The influence of the main process parameters on gas composition is explained. The results of wet gas cleaning equipment,consisting of an expander, high-temperature filter, oil scrubber and fabric filter are presented. The article presents the resultsof the reduction of particulate and organic matter at the outlet of the gas cleaning system. Finally, the tests of syngas utilizationin a dual fuel piston gas engine are described.

Author Biography

Tomasz Iluk, Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal
Ph. D.Team Leader of Gasification Technology


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How to Cite
SOBOLEWSKI, Aleksander; ILUK, Tomasz; SZUL, Mateusz. SRF gasification in GazEla pilot fixed bed gas generator for CHP units. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 2, p. 158--162, july 2017. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.
Energy from Gas 2016 Conference


SRF, gasification, gas purification, cogeneratotin

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