The Processes of Ageing and Their Effect on the Stabilization of Physical Parameters of Semiconductor Elements and the Work of a Thermoelectric Cooling Batteries

  • BogusÅ‚aw Ferens


An analisys of thy process of egeing and stabilization in time of physical parameters of thermoelectric semiconductor materials is presented.Characteristic date of technology and stechiometrie compositions of the materials and elements "n", "p" with admixtures Pb, Cu, ZnCl2, Hg2Cl2 are given.Results of experimental investigations and behaviour of physical parameters as functions %% admixtures and of the time are presented graphically.
How to Cite
FERENS, Bogusław. The Processes of Ageing and Their Effect on the Stabilization of Physical Parameters of Semiconductor Elements and the Work of a Thermoelectric Cooling Batteries. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 25, p. 1-15, mar. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 dec. 2024.

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