• Тадеуш Литвин
  • Виталий Северянин


The waterheater with pulsating combustion chamber of 20 kW nominal thermal output has been worked out at the Technical University of Warsaw. The heat ballance as well as thermal and technical characteristics of the prototype of the waterheater were tested. Results of heat ballance calculation correspond with good accuracy with the results of testing. The waterheater works on gasoline. The overall of testing.The waterheater works on gasoline. The overall efficiency of the waterheater is 0.8; the coefficient of heat exchange - 0,1 kJ/m2sK; the noise level - 95 dB. The waterheater is characterized by eagy starting, small thermal inertia and small specific weight. Slight modifications are needed to elevate the overall efficiency and to reduce the noise level.
How to Cite
ЛИТВИН, Тадеуш; СЕВЕРЯНИН, Виталий. RESULTS OF TESTING OF PULSE - WATERHEATER. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 55, p. 21-29, mar. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 29 dec. 2024.

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