Modeling and Lyapunov-Designed based on Adaptive Gain Sliding Mode Control for Wind Turbines


In this paper, modeling and the Lyapunov-designed control approach are studied for the Wind Energy Conversion Systems(WECS). The objective of this study is to ensure the maximum energy production of a WECS while reducing the mechanicalstress on the shafts (turbine and generator). Furthermore, the proposed control strategy aims to optimize the wind energycaptured by the wind turbine operating under rating wind speed, using an Adaptive Gain Sliding Mode Control (AG-SMC). Theadaptation for the sliding gain and the torque estimation are carried out using the sliding surface as an improved solution thathandles the conventional sliding mode control. Furthermore, the resultant WECS control policy is relatively simple, meaningthe online computational cost and time are considerably reduced. Time-domain simulation studies are performed to discussthe effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.


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How to Cite
KERROUCHE, Kamel Djamel Eddine et al. Modeling and Lyapunov-Designed based on Adaptive Gain Sliding Mode Control for Wind Turbines. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 96, n. 2, p. 124--136, july 2016. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy


Wind turbine, Maximum power point tracking, Proportional integral controller, Adaptive sliding mode control,

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