Numerical Study of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Power Supply System
This paper aims to analyze a hybrid photovoltaic system for production of electrical energy associated with a storage systemto be employed in an isolated site. Mathematical models were proposed describing the physical operation of each part ofthe studied system, according to the meteorological conditions or the estimated data. Then programs developed with Matlabsoftware were carried out to simulate the influence of various parameters on each element of the conversion chain. Theresults obtained have shown a good and accurate simulation of the energy behavior of the complete system and can be usedto give answers to many questions about this type of installation and to help manufacturers make the right decisions.References
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[23] O. Gergaud, B. Multon, h. Ben ahmed.: Analysis and Experimental Validation of Various pv systeme model. 7th International ELECTRIMACS Congress, Montréal, august 2002..
[24] Giuseppina Ciulla, Valerio LoBrano, Vincenzo DiDio, GiovanniCipriani. : A comparison of different one-diode models for the representation of I–V characteristic of a PV cell. ScienceDirect, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32(2014) pp. 684–696.
[25] Hongmei Tian, Fernando Mancilla-David, Kevin Ellis, Eduard Muljadi, Peter Jenkins “A cell-to-module-to-array detailed model for photovoltaic panels,” Science Direct, Solar Energy 86 (2012) pp. 2695–2706.
[26] Mohamed Almaktar, Hasimah Abdul Rahman, Mohammad Yusri Hassan. : Effect of Losses Resistances, Module Temperature Variation, and Partial Shading on PV Output Power. IEEE international conference on Power and energy, decembre 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.
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[28] J.Accarino, G. Petrone, C.A. Ramos-Paja, G. Spagnuolo. : Symbolic Algebra for the Calculation of the Series and Parallel Resistances in PV module model. Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013 International Conference on,June 2013,Alghero.
[29] Dr. J. Abdul Jaleel, Nazar. A, Omega A R. : Simulation on Maximum Power Point Tracking of the Photovoltaic Module using. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering LabVIEW, Vol. 1, pp 190-199, Issue 3, September 2012.
[30] Olivier Gergaud, Gael Robin, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed“Energy Modeling Of A Lead-Acid Battery Within Hybrid Wind / Photovoltaic Systems,” European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications(EPE 2003), September 2003, Toulouse
[31] Bendjamâa Ibrahim. : Modélisation et commande d’un système De stockage photovoltaïque. Dissertation for the Magister Degree ,Algéria: Universite Abou-Bakr Belkaid –Tlemcen, 2011.
[32] A. Ould Mohamed Yahya , A. Ould Mahmoud et I. Youm. : Modélisation d’un système de stockage intégré dans un système hybride. Review of Renewable Energy Vol. 10 N°2 (2007) pp. 205 – 214.
[33] Bencherif Mohammed. : Modélisation de systèmes énergétiques intégration dans un système hybride photovoltaïques et éoliens basse tension. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree ,Algéria: Universite Abou-Bakr Belkaid –Tlemcen, 2013.
[34] Kanzumba Kusakana, Herman Jacobus Vermaak, Peter Jenkins. : Hybrid diesel generator/renewable energy system performance modelling. Science Direct, Article in press, renewable energy system performance modelling, Renewable Energy (2013), pp 1-6 .
[35] Daniel Yamegueu1, Yao Azoumah, Xavier Py. : Étude expérimentale et économique d’un système hybride solaire photovoltaïque diesel sans stockage pour une production décentralisée d’électricité. French Congress of Thermal / Solar Energy and Thermal / Perpignan, pp. 24-27 May 2011.
[36] Abdel Kadet Ould Mahmoud.: Caractérisation, modélisation, fonctionnement et impact d'un système hybride pour alimentation de charges mixtes. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree, Senegal: Cheikh AntaDiop University of Dakar, 2008.
[37] Grisso, Robert D.; Kocher, Michael F.; and Vaughan, David H.: Predicting Tractor Fuel Consumption. Biological Systems, Engineering: Papers and Publications. Paper 164, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2004, Vol. 20(5): pp. 553−561.
[38] Hervé Abdi. : The Method of Least Squares. In: Neil Salkind (Ed.) (2007). Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics.
[39] WH. Press, WT. Vettering and SA. Teukolsky. : Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, Vol. 9, pp. 362 – 367, 2002.
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[2] Binayak Bhandari, Kyung-Tae Lee, Gil-Yong Lee, Young-Man Cho, Sung-Hoon Ahn.: Optimization of hybrid renewable energy power systems: A review”, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, January 2015, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 99-112
[3] K. Reiniger, T. Schott and A. Zeidler.: Optimization of Hybrid Stand-alone Systems. in European Wind Energy Association Conference and Exhibition. 1986. Rome, Italy.
[4] G.C. Contaxis and J. Kabouris. : Short-term scheduling in a wind diesel autonomous energy system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 6 (1991) pp 1161-1167.
[5] Klinghammer, W.; Norenberg, K.: Wide-scale village electrification with PV hybrid power systems in western China experience gained. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference,4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany, pp. 3023-3026, 2006.
[6] Tina, G.M., Brunetto, C., Gagliano, S., Petino, S., Guerra, M., Schioppo, R., Candio, A.: Monte Aquilone hybrid Photovoltaic-Diesel power generation system testing site-experimental tuning of subsystem models. 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 6 –10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 2319-2322, 2005.
[7] Munoz, J., Narvarte, L., Lorenzo, E.: First operating year of two village PV-diesel plants in the south of Morocco. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 7-11 June 2004, Paris, France, pp. 3462-3465, 2004.
[8] Ajan, C. W., Ahmed, S. S., Ahmad, H. B., Taha, F., Mohd Zin, A. A. B.: On the policy of photovoltaic and diesel generation mix for an off-grid site: East Malaysian perspectives. Solar Energy, vol. 74, pp. 453–467, 2003.
[9] Rana, S., Chandra, R., Singh, S.P., Sodha, M.S., “Optimal mix of renewable energy resources to meet the electrical energy demand in villages of Madhya Pradesh. Energy Conversion and Management, vol 39, issues 3-4, pp 203-216, 1998.
[10] Oldach, R., Bates, J., Derrick, A., Gantulga, D., Hasnie, S., Enebish, N.: PV hybrid system for a remote village in Mongolia. 19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 7-11 June 2004, Paris, France, pp. 3540-3543, 2004.
[11] Shaahid, S.M., Elhadidy, M.A.: Opportunities for utilization of stand-alone hybrid (photovoltaic+diesel+battery) power systems in hot climates. Renewable Energy, vol. 28, pp. 1741–1753, 2003.
[12] Wichert, B., Dymond, M., Lawrance, W., Friese, T.: Development of a test facility for photovoltaic-diesel hybrid energy systems. Renewable Energy, vol. 22, pp. 311-319, 2001.
[13] Suponthana, W., Ketjoy, N., Rakwichian W., Transforming solar home system to village grid system by using PV-farmer diesel hybrid system”. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany, pp. 3011-3015, 2006.
[14] Muselli, M., Notton, G., Poggi, P., Louche, A.: PV-hybrid power systems sizing incorporating battery storage: analysis via simulation calculations. Renewable Energy, vol. 20, pp. 1- 7, 2000.
[15] Ashari, M., Nayar, C.V., Keerthipala, W.W.L.: Optimum operation strategy and economic analysis of a photovoltaic-diesel-battery-mains hybrid uninterruptible power supply. Renewable Energy, vol. 22, pp. 247-254, 2001.
[16] Van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Lysen, E.H., Cocard, D., Beutin, P., Merlo, G.F., Mohanty, B., vandenAkker, J., Razzak Idris, A., Firag, A., Waheed, A., Shaheed, A., Latheef, M., Wajeeh, A.: The first PV-diesel hybrid system in the Maldives installed at Mandhoo Island. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4-8 September 2006, Dresden, Germany, pp. 3039-3043,2006.
[17] Vladimir Lazarov, Gilles Notton, Zahari Zarkov and Ivan Bochev.:Hybrid Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources – Types, Structures, Trends for Research and Development. Proceedings of International Conference ELMA2005, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 515-520, 2005.
[18] Ludmil Stoyanov : Etude de différentes structures de systèmes hybrides à sources d’énergie renouvelables. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree,Bulgaria: Universite Technique De Sofia, 2011.
[19] L. Stoyanov, G. Notton and V. Lazarov : Optimisation des systèmes multi-sources de production d’électricité à énergies renouvelables. Review of Renewable Energy, Vol. 10 N°1, pp. 1 – 18, 2007.
[20] Wichert B. : PV-diesel hybrid energy systems for remote area power generation a review of current practice and future developments. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 1997;1(3):209-228.
[21] S. Singer, B. Rozenshtein and S. Surazi : Characterization of pv array output using a small number of measured parameters. Solar Energy Vol. 32. No, 5. pp. 603, 607, 1984.
[22] Marcelo Gradella Villalva, Jonas Rafael Gazoli, and Ernesto Ruppert Filho. : Comprehensive Approach to Modelling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Arrays,” IEEE Transactions on power electronics, Vol. 24, No. 5, May 2009.
[23] O. Gergaud, B. Multon, h. Ben ahmed.: Analysis and Experimental Validation of Various pv systeme model. 7th International ELECTRIMACS Congress, Montréal, august 2002..
[24] Giuseppina Ciulla, Valerio LoBrano, Vincenzo DiDio, GiovanniCipriani. : A comparison of different one-diode models for the representation of I–V characteristic of a PV cell. ScienceDirect, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32(2014) pp. 684–696.
[25] Hongmei Tian, Fernando Mancilla-David, Kevin Ellis, Eduard Muljadi, Peter Jenkins “A cell-to-module-to-array detailed model for photovoltaic panels,” Science Direct, Solar Energy 86 (2012) pp. 2695–2706.
[26] Mohamed Almaktar, Hasimah Abdul Rahman, Mohammad Yusri Hassan. : Effect of Losses Resistances, Module Temperature Variation, and Partial Shading on PV Output Power. IEEE international conference on Power and energy, decembre 2012, Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia.
[27] Dezso Sera, Remus Teodorescu, Pedro Rodriguez. : PV panel model based on datasheet values. Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on, June 2007, Vigo, Spain.
[28] J.Accarino, G. Petrone, C.A. Ramos-Paja, G. Spagnuolo. : Symbolic Algebra for the Calculation of the Series and Parallel Resistances in PV module model. Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 2013 International Conference on,June 2013,Alghero.
[29] Dr. J. Abdul Jaleel, Nazar. A, Omega A R. : Simulation on Maximum Power Point Tracking of the Photovoltaic Module using. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering LabVIEW, Vol. 1, pp 190-199, Issue 3, September 2012.
[30] Olivier Gergaud, Gael Robin, Bernard Multon, Hamid Ben Ahmed“Energy Modeling Of A Lead-Acid Battery Within Hybrid Wind / Photovoltaic Systems,” European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications(EPE 2003), September 2003, Toulouse
[31] Bendjamâa Ibrahim. : Modélisation et commande d’un système De stockage photovoltaïque. Dissertation for the Magister Degree ,Algéria: Universite Abou-Bakr Belkaid –Tlemcen, 2011.
[32] A. Ould Mohamed Yahya , A. Ould Mahmoud et I. Youm. : Modélisation d’un système de stockage intégré dans un système hybride. Review of Renewable Energy Vol. 10 N°2 (2007) pp. 205 – 214.
[33] Bencherif Mohammed. : Modélisation de systèmes énergétiques intégration dans un système hybride photovoltaïques et éoliens basse tension. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree ,Algéria: Universite Abou-Bakr Belkaid –Tlemcen, 2013.
[34] Kanzumba Kusakana, Herman Jacobus Vermaak, Peter Jenkins. : Hybrid diesel generator/renewable energy system performance modelling. Science Direct, Article in press, renewable energy system performance modelling, Renewable Energy (2013), pp 1-6 .
[35] Daniel Yamegueu1, Yao Azoumah, Xavier Py. : Étude expérimentale et économique d’un système hybride solaire photovoltaïque diesel sans stockage pour une production décentralisée d’électricité. French Congress of Thermal / Solar Energy and Thermal / Perpignan, pp. 24-27 May 2011.
[36] Abdel Kadet Ould Mahmoud.: Caractérisation, modélisation, fonctionnement et impact d'un système hybride pour alimentation de charges mixtes. Dissertation for the Doctoral Degree, Senegal: Cheikh AntaDiop University of Dakar, 2008.
[37] Grisso, Robert D.; Kocher, Michael F.; and Vaughan, David H.: Predicting Tractor Fuel Consumption. Biological Systems, Engineering: Papers and Publications. Paper 164, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2004, Vol. 20(5): pp. 553−561.
[38] Hervé Abdi. : The Method of Least Squares. In: Neil Salkind (Ed.) (2007). Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics.
[39] WH. Press, WT. Vettering and SA. Teukolsky. : Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. 2nd Ed. Cambridge University Press, Vol. 9, pp. 362 – 367, 2002.
[40] A.Dolara, R. Faranda, S. Leva. : Energy Comparison of Seven MPPT Techniques for PV Systems. J. Electromagnetic Analysis & Applications, 2009, Vol.3: pp.152-162.
How to Cite
GOURBI, Abdelkader et al.
Numerical Study of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Power Supply System.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 96, n. 2, p. 137--144, july 2016.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Photovoltaic hybrid systems, Renewable energy, Diesel, battery storage system, Modeling and simulation
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