Application of new POSICAST control method to synchronous generator excitation system
In this paper, modeling, analysis, design and simulation of a POSICAST controller are presented for application in a generator’sexcitation system. Simple structure is the most important characteristic of this controller. The controller is a feedforwardcompensator; it eliminates intensive over/undershoots in system dynamic response. Since changing the reference signal inthe excitation system of the synchronous generator causes oscillations in the terminal voltage, the POSICAST controller (PC)is applied at the outset of the excitation system to mitigate these oscillations. The impact of the proposed controller on thestability of the studied power system is evaluated by both eigenvalues analysis and experimental results. In order to validatethe theory, the performance of the designed controller is verified in OPAL-RT by experimental approach.References
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synchronous generator loe protection in the presence of shunt-facts,
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[28] H. Ghorbani, J. I. Candela, A. Luna, P. Rodriguez, Application of posicast
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[29] J. Y. Hung, Feedback control with posicast, IEEE Transactions on industrial
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[30] J. Y. Hung, Posicast control past and present, IEEE Multidisciplinary
Engineering Education Magazine 2 (1).
[31] Recommended practice for excitation system models for power system
stability studies, IEEE Standard 421.5.
How to Cite
GHORBANI, Hamidreza et al.
Application of new POSICAST control method to synchronous generator excitation system.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 98, n. 4, p. 336–344, dec. 2018.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 feb. 2025.
Electrical Engineering
POSICAST controller; generator excitation system; automatic voltage regulator (AVR); real time simulation; eigenvalues analysis.
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