Comparative study on steam flash, organic flash and Kalina for enhanced power generation from waste heat recovery

  • G. V. Pradeep Varma Coastal Institute of Technology and Management Engineering
  • T. Srinivas VIT University


A huge amount of waste hot gases from cement factories are available for power generation. The current work is focusedon enhancing the power from the hot gas with proper power augmentation and selection of technology. The selection ofpower plant and working fluid influences the output from waste heat recovery. In the current work, three power plants areconsidered at low temperature heat recovery (LTHR) and five power plants are considered at intermediate temperature heatrecovery (ITHR). Organic Rankine cycle (ORC), organic flash cycle (OFC), Kalina cycle system (KCS) are studied at LTHRand ITHR and steam Rankine cycle (SRC) and steam flash cycle (SFC) are studied at ITHR. R124 and ammonia are selectedrespectively at LTHR and ITHR organic cycles (ORC and OFC). Following a comparative study, OFC is recommended forLTHR and KCS is recommended for ITHR on the basis of maximum power generation.


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How to Cite
VARMA, G. V. Pradeep; SRINIVAS, T.. Comparative study on steam flash, organic flash and Kalina for enhanced power generation from waste heat recovery. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 96, n. 2, p. 81--91, july 2016. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Energy Conversion and Storage


energy; efficiency; flash cycle; heat recovery; Kalina

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