The ignition phenomenon of gases—part I: the experimental analysis—a review
Ignition has a significant impact on the efficiency of the combustion process. Spark ignition is the most commonly usedmethod and is characterized by two important parameters: minimum ignition energy and quenching distance. This paperpresents a review of various ways ahead in experimental investigation in the area. We focus on the conditions influencingthe experiments and estimation of the minimum ignition energy. The main issues in previous experimental studies are:construction of the ignition apparatus, spark energy estimation and the statistical nature of the phenomenon. A summary ofthe research conditions data is presented.References
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[23] S. Coronel, R. Mevel, S. Bane, J. Shepherd, Experimental study of
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[24] A. Wähner, G. Gramse, T. Langer, M. Beyer, Determination of the minimum
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[25] S. Zhong, N. Miao, Q. Yu, W. Cao, Energy measurement of spark discharge
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[29] Astm e918-83(2005), standard practice for determining limits of
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[31] G. De Smedt, F. De Corte, R. Notele, J. Berghmans, Comparison of
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[32] A. Takahashi, Y. Urano, K. Tokuhashi, S. Kondo, Effect of vessel size
and shape on experimental flammability limits of gases, Journal of hazardous
materials 105 (1-3) (2003) 27–37.
[33] E. Brandes, E. A. Ural, Towards a global standard for flammability
determination, in: Proceedings of the 42nd annual loss prevention
symposium–Global safety congress, paper 2E, April 6, Vol. 10, 2008.
[34] R. Tschirschwitz, V. Schröder, E. Brandes, U. Krause, Determination
of explosion limits–criterion for ignition under non-atmospheric conditions,
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 36 (2015)
[35] S. Moffett, S. Bhanderi, J. Shepherd, E. Kwon, Investigation of statistical
nature of spark ignition, in: 2007 Fall Meeting of theWestern States
Section of the Combustion Institute, Livermore, CA October, 2007, pp.
[36] S. P. Bane, J. L. Ziegler, J. E. Shepherd, Investigation of the effect of
electrode geometry on spark ignition, Combustion and Flame 162 (2)
(2015) 462–469.
[37] J. J. Lee, J. E. Shepherd, Spark ignition measurements in jet a: part ii.
[38] J. D. Colwell, A. Reza, Hot surface ignition of automotive and aviation
fluids, Fire Technology 41 (2) (2005) 105–123.
[39] S. Bane, J. Ziegler, P. Boettcher, S. Coronel, J. Shepherd, Experimental
investigation of spark ignition energy in kerosene, hexane, and hydrogen,
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26 (2)
(2013) 290–294.
How to Cite
UCHMAN, Wojciech; WERLE, Sebastian.
The ignition phenomenon of gases—part I: the experimental analysis—a review.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 98, n. 2, p. 171–182, july 2018.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.
Combustion and Fuel Processing
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