Storage of energy obtained from renewable sources using hydrogen-fired gas turbines

  • Sebastian Lepszy Politechnika Śląska Instytut Maszyn i Urządzeń Energetycznych Zakład Maszyn Przepływowych i Technologii Energetycznych
  • Tadeusz Chmielniak
  • Paweł Mońka


Electricity generated from renewable energy sources is characterized by high changeability and unpredictability over time. Due to limited opportunities for electricity storage and the power network limited carrying capacity, an increase in the use of renewable sources may bring about unfavourable technical and economic consequences. Energy storage systems may mitigate the negative effects of electricity generation in wind and solar power plants. This paper presents a simplified model of a system of energy storage in the form of hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced in the process of electrolysis and it is stored in underground storage sites. A hydrogen-fired gas turbine is used in the process of chemical energy-to-electricity conversion. Calculations are performed of the hydrogen mass and volume flow needed for storage to make up for the insufficient amounts of electricity produced over time. The energy storage efficiency is also determined.
How to Cite
LEPSZY, Sebastian; CHMIELNIAK, Tadeusz; MOŃKA, Paweł. Storage of energy obtained from renewable sources using hydrogen-fired gas turbines. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 104, n. 3, p. 175--180, july 2024. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 oct. 2024.
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