Parallel feed water heating repowering of a 200 MW steam power plant

  • Gholam Reza Ahmadi
  • Davood Toghraie


In this paper, feed water heating repowering of Shahid Montazeri steam power plant has been studied in three differentmodes. Efficiencies of energy and exergy have been selected as objective functions. Cycle-tempo softwarewas used for simulations. In the first case, a low pressure heat recovery heat exchanger and a EGT-RLM600-PCgas turbine were used. Efficiencies of energy and exergy increase to 3.8% & 3.79% respectively and cooling towerwater temperature difference increases to 0.652oC. In the second case, a high pressure heat recovery heat exchangerand a Siemens (KWU) V64.3 gas turbine were used. Efficiencies of energy and exergy increase to 6.68%and 6.65% respectively. In the third case, both heat recovery heat exchangers are and Westinghouse-401 gasturbines were used. Efficiencies of energy and exergy increase to 8.93% & 9.05% respectively. This is the bestplan in terms of efficiency and cycle power promotion.


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How to Cite
AHMADI, Gholam Reza; TOGHRAIE, Davood. Parallel feed water heating repowering of a 200 MW steam power plant. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 95, n. 4, p. 288--301, dec. 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.
Power Plant


Mohammad Montazeri Power Plant, Repowering, Parallel Feed Water Heating, Exergy efficiency, Cycle-‎Tempo

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