• Wiesław Gogół
  • Elżbieta Gogół
  • Ewa Artecka


The results have been presented in this paper of thermal conductivity investigations of specific type of clay and loess within the range of temperatures from -15 to +25°C at moisture content values of up to 20% and at various weight by volume values.The thermal conductivity at temperatures above 0°C has been determined in the Bock apparatus and with the application of the thermal regular regime method as well as in a miniaturized hot plate apparatus; the thermal conductivity in frozen soils has been determined in the miniaturized hot plate apparatus.The results obtained have permitted a determination of thermal conductivity values as a function of moisture, temperature and weight by volume of specimens tested.
How to Cite
GOGÓŁ, Wiesław; GOGÓŁ, Elżbieta; ARTECKA, Ewa. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY INVESTIGATIONS OF MOIST SOILS. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 40, p. 49-69, mar. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 dec. 2024.

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