Computational intelligence approach for NOx emissions minimization in a 30 MW premixed gas burner
Artificial intelligence algorithms have become a research hotspot in attempts to reduce NOx emissions in gas burners through NOx emission modeling and optimizing operating parameters. This paper compres the predictive accuracy of NOx emission models based on LSSVM, SVR and ELM. CGA and three other GA based hybrid algorithms proposed to modify CGA were employed to optimize the operating parameters of a 30MW gas burner in order to reduce NOx emission. The results show that the NOx emission model built by LSSVM is more accurate than that of SVR and ELM. The mean relative error and correlation coefficient obtained by the LSSVM model were 0.0731% and 0.999, respectively. Among the four optimization algorithms, the novel TSGA proposed in this paper showed its superiority over the other three algorithms, excelling in its global searching ability and stability. The LSSVM plus TSGA method is a potential combination for predicting and reducing NOx emission by optimizing the operating parameters for the gas burner on-line.References
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5.Seputro, S., and Sudarmanta, B. (2019) Numerical
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6.Hiramatsu, T., Najafabadi, H.M., Kobayashi, N.,
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7.ZHANG, X. (2009) Eects of Stereo-staged Combustion
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8.Zheng, L., Zhou, H., Wang, C., and Cen, K. (2008)
Combining Support Vector Regression and Ant Colony
Optimization to Reduce NOx Emissions in Coal-Fired
Utility Boilers. Energy & Fuels, 22 (2), 1034{1040.
9.Kowalczyk, B. (2014) Model of an ANSALDO
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10.Isaza, C.V., Sarmiento, H.O., Kempowsky-Hamon,
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12.Li, G., Niu, P., Ma, Y., Wang, H., and Zhang,
W. (2014) Tuning extreme learning machine by an
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13.Sainlez, M., and Heyen, G. (2013) Comparison of
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14.Li, G., Niu, P., Liu, C., and Zhang, W. (2012) Enhanced
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15.Rusinowski, H., and Stanek, W. (2010) Hybrid
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16.Kalogirou, S.A. (2003) Articial intelligence for the
modeling and control of combustion processes: a review.
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17.Lee, J.W., Park, Y.J., Kim, I.T., and Lee, K.W.
(2008) Clinical Results After Application of Bevacizumab
in Recurrent Pterygium. Journal of the Ko-
rean Ophthalmological Society, 49 (12), 1901.
18.Yin, C., Rosendahl, L., Clausen, S., and Hvid, S.L.
(2012) Characterizing and modeling of an 88 MW
grate-red boiler burning wheat straw: Experience
and lessons. Energy, 41 (1), 473{482.
19.Lopes, C., and Perdig~ao, F. (2008) Event Detection
by HMM SVM and ANN: A Comparative Study,
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20.Smrekar, J., Potocnik, P., and Senegacnik, A.
(2013) Multi-step-ahead prediction of NOx emissions
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21.Guo, M.L., Li, D.J., Du, C.B., Jia, Z.H., Qin, X.Z.,
Chen, L., Sheng, L., and Li, H. (2012) Prediction of
the Busy Trac in Holidays Based on GA-SVR, in
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Springer
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22.Lu, Y., and Roychowdhury, V. (2007) Parallel randomized
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23.Hong, W.-C., Dong, Y., Chen, L.-Y., and Wei, S.-
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24.Wei, Z., Li, X., Xu, L., and Cheng, Y. (2013)
Comparative study of computational intelligence approaches
for NOx reduction of coal-red boiler. En-
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25.Chamkalani, A., Zendehboudi, S., Bahadori, A.,
Kharrat, R., Chamkalani, R., James, L., and Chatzis,
I. (2014) Integration of LSSVM technique with PSO
to determine asphaltene deposition. Journal of
Petroleum Science and Engineering, 124, 243{253.
26.Wu, J., Shen, J., Krug, M., Nguang, S.K., and
Li, Y. (2011) GA-based nonlinear predictive switching
control for a boiler-turbine system. Journal of Control
Theory and Applications, 10 (1), 100{106.
27.Zhou, H., Lu, J., Cao, Z., Shi, J., Pan, M., Li, W.,
and Jiang, Q. (2011) Modeling and optimization of
an industrial hydrocracking unit to improve the yield
of diesel or kerosene. Fuel, 90 (12), 3521{3530.
28.Ahmadi, M.A., and Ebadi, M. (2014) Evolving
smart approach for determination dew point pressure
through condensate gas reservoirs. Fuel, 117,
29.Ahmadi, M.-A., Bahadori, A., and Shadizadeh,
S.R. (2015) A rigorous model to predict the amount of
Dissolved Calcium Carbonate Concentration throughout
oil eld brines: Side eect of pressure and temperature.
Fuel, 139, 154{159.
30.Ahmadi, M.A., Zahedzadeh, M., Shadizadeh, S.R.,
and Abbassi, R. (2015) Connectionist model for predicting
minimum gas miscibility pressure: Application
to gas injection process. Fuel, 148, 202{211.
31.Sels, V., Coelho, J., Dias, A.M., and Vanhoucke,
M. (2015) Hybrid tabu search and a truncated branchand-
bound for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling
problem. Computers & Operations Research, 53,
32.Glover F, L.M. (1997) Tabu search, Kluwer Academic
33.Gendreau M, P.J.-Y. (2010) Handbook of meta-
heuristics, Springer.
How to Cite
CHEN, Weibo; LIU, Guixiong.
Computational intelligence approach for NOx emissions minimization in a 30 MW premixed gas burner.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 100, n. 1, p. 21-31, mar. 2020.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.
Combustion and Fuel Processing
NOx emission modeling, Operating parameters optimization, TSGA, Hybrid algorithm, Gas burner
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