Thermodynamic analysis of a co-generation system with a high-temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor

  • Małgorzata Joanna Hanuszkiewicz-Drapała Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology
  • Julian Jędrzejewski Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Technology


This paper presents a proposal for a power system with a helium-cooled high-temperature nuclear reactor (V/HTR) used to generate heat and electricity. Heat is supplied to the technological system completing a sulphur-iodine cycle for hydrogen production. The amounts of heat and the values of the carrier temperature required at individual stages of the cycle are known. Helium energy is additionally used for electricity generation: directly – using a gas turbine and indirectly – in two steam systems. One of them uses water vapour as the working medium. In the other (the ORC system) – a low-boiling fluid is used. The paper presents results of the system multivariate thermodynamic analyses performed using the EBSILON software package. The aim of the calculations is to investigate the impact of selected characteristic parameters of fluids and the ORC system fluid types on the power efficiency of the heat and power plant system and on the total power efficiency of the system, taking the produced hydrogen chemical energy into account.


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How to Cite
HANUSZKIEWICZ-DRAPAŁA, Małgorzata Joanna; JĘDRZEJEWSKI, Julian. Thermodynamic analysis of a co-generation system with a high-temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 95, n. 5, p. 32--41, june 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Polish Energy Mix 2014


high-temperature gas cooled nuclear reactor, sulphur-iodine cycle, power efficiency

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