Modification of cooling impeller pump in combustion engines driven by electricity


This paper presents methods of using an electric powered impeller pump to circulate liquid coolant in a combustion engine.The proposed impeller pump is driven differently from pumps typically used in combustion engine cooling systems. Theconventional mechanical drive using the mechanical energy produced by the combustion engine is replaced by an electricmotor. This solution is not new, but is being given greater consideration due to the improved power efficiency of the combustionengine. Power-smart optimum methods of impeller pump regulation are discussed. The guidelines based on the theory of theimpeller pump construction included herein seek to make combustion engine designers more sensitive to issues related to thedesign of highly efficient flow systems of impeller pumps. The cooling system pumps which are currently used in combustionengines often draw on rather unsophisticated structural solutions which are no longer used in any other industry due to theirlow efficiency. This is related to the relatively low power consumption of the impeller pump relative to the power output of theentire engine, as well as to its low cost of manufacture.


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How to Cite
PECZKIS, Grzegorz. Modification of cooling impeller pump in combustion engines driven by electricity. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 97, n. 2, p. 85--88, july 2017. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.
Energy Conversion and Storage


pumps, cooling pumps, cooling system, cooling system

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