Inclusion of specific geometry of the beryllium blocks in the computational model of the MARIA reactor

  • Marek Migdal National Center for Nuclear Research
  • Grzegorz Maciej Niewinski Institute of Heat Engineering Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering Warsaw University of Technology


The aim of this study was to analyze the accuracy of neutron-physical calculations made using the so far used and alternative computational model of basic cell component of MARIA reactor core. For this purpose, an analysis of the accuracy of the calculation of the neutron flux and the effective multiplication factor by an alternative and existing computational model was done. The results were compared with the exact model of the core primary cell prepared using the MCNP computational code.


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How to Cite
MIGDAL, Marek; NIEWINSKI, Grzegorz Maciej. Inclusion of specific geometry of the beryllium blocks in the computational model of the MARIA reactor. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 5, p. 69--76, feb. 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 01 dec. 2024.


nuclear reactor; beryllium blocks; MARIA reactor; computational model of reactor

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