Computer codes in the safety analysis for nuclear power plants. Computational capabilities of thermal-hydraulic tools, using the example of the RELAP5 code

  • Eleonora Skrzypek Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ)
  • Maciej Skrzypek Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ)


During the time of the Nuclear Power Programme introduction in Poland, there appears a question about the safety of the nuclear power plants. To answer this question in exhaustive manner there is a need to investigate the design of the proposed reactor, operation principles and analysis, that are prepared before the reactor start-up (The Pre-Construction Safety Report (PCSR)) and during their operation. In the worldwide community of nuclear there are hundreds of people involved in this complicated and complex process, that are aiming to ensure the safety of the nuclear power plants. Because of the sophistication of the phenomena occurring during the operation and accidents, the number of the analysis is rapidly increasing. The current demand is focused on the use of the computer codes and high computational power for the purposes of safety warranty.


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How to Cite
SKRZYPEK, Eleonora; SKRZYPEK, Maciej. Computer codes in the safety analysis for nuclear power plants. Computational capabilities of thermal-hydraulic tools, using the example of the RELAP5 code. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 5, p. 41--50, jan. 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 feb. 2025.


Safety analysis; Neutronic analysis; Thermalhydraulic analysis; Severe accident; CFD; RELAP5; MELCOR

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