Modeling of liquid film flow in annuli

  • Henryk Anglart KTH - Royal Institute of Technology


One of the challenges in thermal-hydraulic analyses of BWRs is correct prediction of dryout occurrence in fuel assemblies. In practical applications the critical powers in fuel assemblies are found from correlations that are based on experimental data. The drawback of this approach is that correlations are valid only for these fuel assemblies on which the experiments have been conducted. Other restrictive factors are the limited ranges of experimental working conditions including pressure, mass flux and axial power distributions. To overcome the above-mentioned limitations, several different approaches have been proposed to predict the dryout occurrence. One of them is to employ a phenomenological model of annular flow, in which the mass transfer between the liquid film and the gas core is based on entrainment and deposition correlations. Most of these correlations are derived from water-air flows in vertical tubes and their applicability to other geometries in general, and rod-bundles in particular, should be analysed. This paper presents an analysis of the entrainment rate in vertical annuli. Using the standard approach to calculate the entrainment rate, one can demonstrate that the results deviate from measurements. It has been shown that modifying the entrainment correlation based on data obtained in the annulus geometry leads to an essential improvement in the predictive capability of the phenomenological model of annular two-phase flow.


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How to Cite
ANGLART, Henryk. Modeling of liquid film flow in annuli. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 5, p. 8--15, jan. 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.


Entrainment rate; Annular flow; Dryout; Annular geometry; BWR

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