Mathematical model of Combined Heat and Power Plant using GateCycleTM software

  • Cezary Kowalczyk Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Radosław Mateusz Rolf Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Bartosz Kowalczyk Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Krzysztof Badyda Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering


The This paper contains a description and analysis of a mathematical model of the combined cycle gas turbine usedby Lublin–Wrotków Combined Heat and Power Plant. The model was generated with the GE Energy GateCycleTMsoftware and was based on the parametric design of the real power plant. A brief description of the technology usedin the power plant is included in this work. The model was validated by comparing the generated results with theparametric design. The paper finishes with an analysis of the work of the District Water Heater and summary of themost important findings.


[1] Kowalczyk C., Rolf R.M., Operational analysis of District Water Heater using variable conditions. Mathematical model of Lublin Wrotków Combined Heat and Power Plant., Engineering's thesis, Warsaw University of Technology (2013).

[2] Badyda K., Miller A., Energetyczne turbiny gazowe oraz układy z ich wykorzystaniem, Kaprint Lublin, 2011.

[3] Technical description of the Lublin Wrotków CHP.

[4] GateCycle™ version 6.0 Manual.

[5] GateCycle™ - Getting Started & Installation Guide - Optimization and Diagnostic Software, 2009.

How to Cite
KOWALCZYK, Cezary et al. Mathematical model of Combined Heat and Power Plant using GateCycleTM software. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 95, n. 3, p. 183--191, july 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 dec. 2024.
Power Plant


combined heat and power plant, district water heater, combined cycle gas turbine, mathematical modeling, GateCycle™

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