Model of an ANSALDO V94.2 gas turbine from Lublin Wrotków Combined Heat and Power Plant using GateCycle™ software.

  • Bartosz Kowalczyk Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Cezary Kowalczyk Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Radosław Mateusz Rolf Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Krzysztof Badyda Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering


The following article concerns the model of the ANSALDO V94.2 gas turbine for variable operating conditions from CHP Lublin Wrotków. To build the model General Electric GateCycle™ software was used. The methods of gas turbines modeling in the software were described. To represent correctness of the model, there were performed computations for 40% and 70% load for 0.9, 14 and 30°C ambient temperature and 100% load for -20, 0.9, 14, 15 and 30°C ambient temperature and the results were compared with available heat balances. The article also discusses the theory of gas turbines, considering the sensitivity of the thermodynamic cycle.

Author Biographies

Bartosz Kowalczyk, Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Student of Master studies.
Cezary Kowalczyk, Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Student of Master studies.
Radosław Mateusz Rolf, Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Student of Master studies.
Krzysztof Badyda, Warsaw University of Technology. Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
Professor at the Institute of Heat EngineeringDeputy Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering


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Badyda K., Characteristics of advanced gas turbines cycles, Rynek Energii 2010, 6
Available at:

Brooks Frank J., GE Gas Turbine Performance Characteristics (GER-3567H), GE Power Systems.
Available at:

Technical description of the Lublin Wrotków CHP.

Kotowicz J., Bartela Ł., Optymalizacja termodynamiczna i ekonomiczna elektrowni gazowo-parowej z wykorzystaniem algorytmów genetycznych, Rynek Energii 2008, 75(2): 31-38.

Kotowicz J., Bartela Ł., The influence of the legal and economical enviroment and the profile of activities on the optimal design features of a natural-gas-fired combined heat and power plant, Energy 2011, 36(11): 328-338.

Bartela Ł., Skorek-Osikowska A., Kotowicz J., Economic analysis of a supercritical coal-fired CHP plant integrated with an absorption carbon capture installation, Energy 2014, 64: 513-523.

GateCycle version 6.0 Manual.

The ISO 2314 standard.
How to Cite
KOWALCZYK, Bartosz et al. Model of an ANSALDO V94.2 gas turbine from Lublin Wrotków Combined Heat and Power Plant using GateCycle™ software.. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 3, p. 190--195, sep. 2014. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Power Plant


Gas turbine; Brayton cycle; mathematical modeling; GateCycle

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