Matching of a Gas Turbine and an Upgraded Supercritical Steam Turbine in Off-Design Operation

  • Wojciech Kosman Politechnika Śląska


The results of the research presented in this paper refer to an upgrade of a power generating unit with a supercriticalsteam turbine of a moderate live steam temperature. The upgrade project involves replacing the high pressure part witha turbine driven by a high live steam temperature and adding a gas turbine. The aim of the upgrade is to increasepower generation eciency. The specific problem analyzed in the paper corresponds to the matching between thegas and steam turbine especially in o-design conditions. The analysis is based on the numerical modeling of thethermodynamic cycles. Various conditions of the operation were simulated. The results obtained enable eciency to beassessed in the analyzed variants.
How to Cite
KOSMAN, Wojciech. Matching of a Gas Turbine and an Upgraded Supercritical Steam Turbine in Off-Design Operation. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 95, n. 1, p. 90--96, mar. 2015. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Energy from Gas 2016 Conference


supercritical steam turbine, gas turbine, modernization, combined cycle

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