Combustion of alternative fuel composites containing municipal sewage sludge in power boilers

  • Eugeniusz Orszulik Główny Instytut Górnictwa pl. Gwarków 1 40 - 166 Katowice


Municipal waste, including sewage sludge and biomass can be a source of energy used in professional energy generation and heating. The possibility of using waste in the form of municipal sewage sludge in heat installations in power industry as a composite of alternative fuels is limited to their type, homogeneity and fuel properties. The article presents the possibility of using waste - code 19 08 05 stabilized municipal sewage sludge as an admixture to hard coal and lignite as well as to biomass, that is straw and wood. Energy recovery generated from alternative fuel composites will be conducted in boilers. The properties of produced fuels and emissions of produced pollutants into the environment have been presented.
How to Cite
ORSZULIK, Eugeniusz. Combustion of alternative fuel composites containing municipal sewage sludge in power boilers. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 5, p. 362--382, dec. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.
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