Greening the future of transport by using a regenerative variable geometry gas turbine engine

  • Yousef S.H. Najjar Jordan University of Science and Technology
  • Hussein Dalgamoni University of Tabuk


Gas turbine engines are cleaner, have multi-fuel capability, and lower volume to power ratio than piston engines. A main disadvantage of the gas turbine engines in automotive use is its poor part-load efficiency. As transport engines spend most of their operating life at part-load; gas turbine engine that achieve a wide range of high-efficiency should be used.This paper aims to develop a computer model to simulate the performance of regenerative gas turbine engines for transport use. A computer program for the performance prediction was designed based on the characteristics of each component in the engine and the compatibility between them. The influence of variable power turbine setting-angle on the engine performance was inspected. Compressor and turbines maps were used in a particular form; hence, each point on the map has a specific value of rotational speed, pressure ratio, mass flow rate, and efficiency. Variation in effectiveness of the regenerator was considered. Variable pressure drop and mass flow rate across the combustion chamber and the regenerator included.
How to Cite
NAJJAR, Yousef S.H.; DALGAMONI, Hussein. Greening the future of transport by using a regenerative variable geometry gas turbine engine. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 4, p. 259--269, sep. 2014. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 dec. 2024.
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