The impact of CO2 capture and compression on the economic characteristics of a combined cycle power plant

  • Janusz Kotowicz
  • Mateusz Andrzej Brzęczek


This paper presents the results of an economic analysis of a triple-pressure combined cycle power plant with the steam reheater (3PR). The economic analysis was performed for two variants of the block - with and without the integration of the system with the installation of CO2 capture and compression. The structures of the triple-pressure combined cycle power plant with the steam reheater and CO2 capture and compression installation (CCS) was presented. The characteristic values of systems and the economic assumptions were summarized. An analysis of a break-even point (BEP), which was the minimum selling price for electricity, was performed. A sensitivity analysis of individual components to a break-even price of electricity and the impact of degradation of the efficiency and the power characteristics of the combined cycle power plant was conducted.


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How to Cite
KOTOWICZ, Janusz; BRZĘCZEK, Mateusz Andrzej. The impact of CO2 capture and compression on the economic characteristics of a combined cycle power plant. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 5, p. 314--322, dec. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
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