Analysis of the thermodynamic and economic effciency of a supercritical power unit with a lignite-fed CFB boiler and an air separation unit based on high-temperature membrane technology

  • Janusz Kotowicz
  • Adrian Balicki Politechnika Śląska


This paper presents a thermodynamic and economic analysis of the supercritical power unit with OXY type circulating fluidized bed boiler fed with lignite and air separation unit based on a three-end type high-temperature membrane. The fluidized bed boiler model is integrated with the installation of fuel drying, flue gas dehumidifier and the flue gas stream compression unit for further transportation. Models of the CFB boiler with fuel drying installation, air separation unit (ASU) and flue gas compression installation (CCS) were built using GateCycle™ computer program. For the fuel drying process the expanded nitrogen and oxygen mixture stream from the air separation unit was used. Thermodynamic analysis of the power unit assumed examining of certain characteristics of the block as a function of the oxygen recovery rate in the high-temperature membrane and selecting the appropriate calculation point for further economic analysis. Within the economic analysis for a selected operation point of the block the estimated capital expenditures and break-even price of electricity under the assumption that the net present value of investment (NPV) is equal to zero were determined.


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How to Cite
KOTOWICZ, Janusz; BALICKI, Adrian. Analysis of the thermodynamic and economic effciency of a supercritical power unit with a lignite-fed CFB boiler and an air separation unit based on high-temperature membrane technology. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 5, p. 308--313, dec. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 nov. 2024.
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