A review of models for effective thermal conductivity of composite materials
The solutions of Maxwell and Rayleigh were the first of many attempts to determine the eective thermal conductivityof heterogeneous material. Early models assumed that no thermal resistance exists between the phases in heterogeneousmaterial. Later studies on solid-liquid and solid-solid boundaries revealed that a temperature drop occurs when heatflows through a boundary between two phases and, as a consequence, the interfacial thermal resistance should be includedin the heat transfer model. This paper is a review of the most popular expressions for predicting the eectivethermal conductivity of composite materials using the properties and volume fractions of constituent phases. Subject toreview were empirical, analytical and numerical models, among others.References
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[29] Y. Xu, M. Yamazaki, H. Wang, K. Yagi.: Development of an internet system for composite design and thermophysical property prediction, Materials Transactions, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 1882, 2006.
[30] C. Yue, Y. Zhang, Z. Hu, J. Liu, Z. Cheng.: Modeling of the effective thermal conductivity of composite materials with FEM based on resistor networks approach, Microsyst. Technol. vol. 16, pp. 633, 2010.
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[32] H. Jopek, T. Strek.: Optimization of the effective thermal conductivity of a composite [in:] Convection and conduction heat transfer, ed. A. Ahsan, InTech, 2011.
[33] R. Nayak, T. Dora P., A. Satapathy.: A computational and experimental investigation on thermal conductivity of particle reinforced epoxy composites, Computational Materials Science, vol. 48, pp. 576, 2010.
[34] J. Flaquer, A. Rios, A. Martin-Meizoso, S. Nogales, H. Böhm.: Effect of diamond shapes and associated thermal boundary resistance on thermal conductivity of diamond-based composites, Computational Materials Science, vol. 41 pp. 156, 2007.
[35] Ganapathy, K. Singh, P. E. Phelan, R. Prasher.: An effective unit cell approach to compute the thermal conductivity of composites with cylindrical particles, J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 127 pp. 553, 2005.
[36] Y. Benveniste, T. Miloh.: An exact solution for the effective thermal conductivity of cracked bodies with oriented elliptical cracks, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 66, pp 176, 1989.
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[38] Y. Benveniste, T. Miloh.: On the effective thermal conductivity of coated shortfiber composites, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 69, pp. 1337, 1991
[39] J. D. Felske.: Effective thermal conductivity of composite spheres in a continuous medium with contact resistance, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 47, pp. 3453, 2004.
[40] M. L. Dunn, M. Taya.: The effective thermal conductivity of composites with coated reinforcement and the application to imperfect interfaces, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 73, pp. 1711, 1993.
[41] S. Lu, J. Song.: Effective conductivity of composites with spherical inclusions: Effect of coating and detachment, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 79, pp. 609, 1996.
[42] D. P. H. Hasselman, K. Y. Donaldson, J. R. Thomas Jr.: Effective thermal conductivity of uniaxial composite with cylindrically orthotropic carbon fibers and interfacial thermal barrier, J. Comp. Mater., vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 637, 1993.
[43] C-W. Nan, R. Birringer, D. R. Clarke, H. Gleiter.: Effective thermal conductivity of particulate composites with interfacial thermal resistance, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 81, pp. 6692, 1997.
[44] J. Ordonez-Miranda, Ronggui Yang, J. J. Alvarado-Gil.: A model for the effective thermal conductivity of metal-nonmetal particulate composites, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 044319 (2012).
[45] R. Tavangar, J.M. Molina, L. Weber.: Assessing predictive schemes for thermal conductivity against diamond-reinforced silver matrix composites at intermediate phase contrast, Scripta Materialia, vol. 56, pp.357, 2007.
[46] K. Sebeck, C. Shao, J. Kieffer.: Structure, thermal, and mechanical properties of interfaces in PMC: A molecular simulation study, Proc. 18th International Conf. on Composite Materials, Jeju Island, Korea 2011.
[47] T. C. Clancy, S. J. V. Frankland, J. A. Hinkley.: Prediction of Material Properties of Nanostructured Polymer Composites Using Atomistic Simulations, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2009.
[48] X. Huang, X. Huai, S. Liang, X. Wang.: Thermal transport in Si/Ge nanocomposites, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 095416 (9pp).
[49] Y. Zhou, B. Anglin, A. Strachan.: Phonon thermal conductivity in nanolaminated composite metals via molecular dynamics, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 184702 (2007).
How to Cite
A review of models for effective thermal conductivity of composite materials.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 95, n. 1, p. 14--24, dec. 2014.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/463>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.
Materials Science
thermal conductivity; interfacial thermal resistance; composite materials
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