Location selection analysis for biological treatment plants for municipal waste

  • Grażyna Paulina Wójcik Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) Faculty of Production Engineering
  • Małgorzata Jacyno Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw
  • Jolanta Korkosz-Gębska Institute for Organisation of Production Systems, Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Ewa Krasuska Automotive Industry Institute, Renewable Energy Department
  • Anna Oniszk-Popławska Institute for Renewable Energy
  • Dominika Trębacz Automotive Industry Institute


This article aims to analyze the choice of location for an organic recycling plant for biodegradable waste prepared for small and medium-sized enterprise investments. The analysis is based on a mathematical multi-criteria selection of the best solution, taking into account all the circumstances and making a full description of the selected options. A point analysis of selected locations is made – expert evaluations using the appropriate evaluation criteria - technical, legal, geographical, economic, social.

Author Biographies

Grażyna Paulina Wójcik, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) Faculty of Production Engineering
Warsaw University of Life Sciences Faculty of Production EngineeringDepartment of Production Management and EngineeringSection of Production Organization and Management
Małgorzata Jacyno, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Warsaw
Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
Jolanta Korkosz-Gębska, Institute for Organisation of Production Systems, Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Institute of Production Systems Warsaw University of Technology
Ewa Krasuska, Automotive Industry Institute, Renewable Energy Department
Renewable Energy Department
Anna Oniszk-Popławska, Institute for Renewable Energy
Institute for Renewable Energy
Dominika Trębacz, Automotive Industry Institute
Automotive Industry Institute


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How to Cite
WÓJCIK, Grażyna Paulina et al. Location selection analysis for biological treatment plants for municipal waste. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 1, p. 1--19, dec. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/457>. Date accessed: 14 dec. 2024.


energy from waste, management of biodegradable municipal waste, multi-criteria analysis, expert analysis of investment sites

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