Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell Modeling: A Review
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC) is a very good candidate technology for securing sustainable development for the future. It allows CO2 to be recycled into usable fuels and has potential for hydrogen economy. In this work the authors focus on development of SOEC through modeling different aspects of the cell: from design of specific elements to final incorporation of electrolyzers in the global energy system and network. The publications reviewed span from the 1970s to the present day and cover a selection of most contributed works. The selected publications provide means for modeling the solid oxide electrolyzer cell in both steady and transient states. The scale of the models ranges from micro to macro and to global energy system levels. The thrust of this work is to summarize the current level of development in modeling the solid oxide electrolyzer cell and to highlight unresolved problems and provide pointers in terms of research gaps requiring closer attention by engineers and scientists.References
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[10] Ni M., Leung D.Y.C., Leung M.K.H.: A review on reforming bio-ethanol for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 2007, p.3238 – 3247.
[11] Manage M.N., Hodgson D., Milligan N., Simons S.J.R., Brett D.J.L.: A techno-economic appraisal of hydrogen generation and the case for solid oxide electrolyser cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36, 2011, p.5782 – 5796.
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[13] Bidrawn F., Kim G., Corre G., Irvine J.T.S., Vohs J.M.: Efficient reduction of CO2 in a Solid Oxide Electrolyzer, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 11, 2008, p.B167 – B170.
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[3] Faraday M.: Experimental Researches in Electricity, Richard and John Edward Taylor, London, 1849.
[4] Nernst W.H.: Die elektromotorische Wirksamkeit der Ionen, Zeitschrif fuer physikalische Chemie, Stoechiometrie und Verwandtschftslehre 4, 129 – 181, 1889.
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[6] Hill R., Archer M.D.: Photoelectrochemical cells – a review of progress in the past 10 years, Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry 51, 1990, p.45 – 54.
[7] Baykara S.Z.: Experimental solar water thermolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 29, 2004, p.1459 – 1469.
[8] Steinfled A.: Solar thermochemical production of hydrogen – a review, Solar Energy 78, 2005, p.603 – 615.
[9] Kapdan I.K., Kargi F.: Bio-hydrogen production from waste materials, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 38, 2006, p.569 – 582.
[10] Ni M., Leung D.Y.C., Leung M.K.H.: A review on reforming bio-ethanol for hydrogen production, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 2007, p.3238 – 3247.
[11] Manage M.N., Hodgson D., Milligan N., Simons S.J.R., Brett D.J.L.: A techno-economic appraisal of hydrogen generation and the case for solid oxide electrolyser cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36, 2011, p.5782 – 5796.
[12] Coughlin R.W., Farooque M.: Hydrogen production from coal, water and electrons, Nature 279, 1979, p.301 – 303.
[13] Bidrawn F., Kim G., Corre G., Irvine J.T.S., Vohs J.M.: Efficient reduction of CO2 in a Solid Oxide Electrolyzer, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 11, 2008, p.B167 – B170.
[14] Gahleitner G.: Hydrogen from renewable electricity: An international review of power-to-gas pilot plants for stationary applications, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38, 2013, p.2039 – 2061.
[15] Carmo M., Fritz D.L., Mergel J., Stolten D.: A comprehensive review on PEM water electrolysis, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2013),
[16] Riedel T., Claeys M., Schulz H., Schaub G., Nam S-S., Jun K-W., Choi M-J., Kishan G., Lee K-W.: Comparative study of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis wit H2/CO and H2/CO2 syngas using Fe- and Co-based catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General 186, 1999, p.201 – 213.
[17] Graves C.R.: Recycling CO2 into Sustainable Hydrocarbon Fuels: Electrolysis of CO2 and H2O, PhD thesis, Columbia University 2012.
[18] Schlitzberger C., Brinkmeier N.O., Leithner R.: CO2 Capture in SOFC by Vapor Condensation and CH4 Production in SOEC Storing Excess Electricity, Chemical Engineering Technology 35, 2012, p.440 – 444.
[19] Ni M., Leung M.K.H., Leung D.Y.C.: Technological development of hydrogen production of solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC), International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33, 2008, p.2337 – 2354.
[20] Laguna-Bercero M.A.: Recent advances in high temperature electrolysis using solid oxide fuel cells: A review, Journal of Power Sources 203, 2012, p.4 – 16.
[21] Kargi F.: Microbiological coal desulphurization, Enzyme and Microbial Technology 4, 1982, p. 13 – 19.
[22] Blaszczuk A., Nowak W., Jagodzik S.: Effects of operating conditions on deNOx system efficiency in supercritical circulating fluidized bed boiler, Journal of Power Technologies 93, 2013, p. 1 – 8.
[23] Sciubidlo A., Nowak W.: Novel sorbents for flue gas purification, Journal of Power Technologies 92, 2012, p. 115 – 126.
[24] Wiciak G., Kotowicz J.: Experimental stand for CO2 membrane separation, Journal of Power Technologies 2011, 91, p. 171 – 178.
[25] Pascala S., Socolow R.: Stabilization Wedges: Solving the Climate Problem for the Next 50 Years with Current Technologies, Science 305, 2004, p.968 – 972.
[26] Sheppard M.C., Socolow R.H.: Sustaining Fossil Fuel Use in a Carbon-Constrained World by Rapid Commercialization of Carbon Capture and Sequestration, American Institute of Chemical Engineers 53, 2007, p.3022 – 3028.
[27] Dincer I.: Renewable energy and sustainable development: a crucial review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 4, 2000, p.157 – 175.
[28] Budzianowski W.M., Chasiak I.: Expansion of the biogas fuelled power plants in Germany during the 2001 – 2010 decade: Main sustainable conclusions for Poland, Journal of Power Technologies 91, 2011, p. 102 – 113.
[29] Krawczyk P., Badyda K.: Modelling of thermal and flow processes in a solar waste-water sludge dryer with supplementary heat supply from external sources, Journal of Power Technologies 91, 2011, p. 37 – 40.
[30] Moriarty P., Honnery D.: Intermittent renewable energy: The only future source of hydrogen?, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32, 2007, p.1616 – 1624.
[31] Vojvodic A., Norskov J.K.: Optimizing Perovskites for the Water-Splitting Reaction, Science 334, 2011, p.1355 – 1356.
[32] Milewski J., Swirski K., Santarelli M., Leone P.: Advanced Methods of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Modeling, Springer, 2011.
[33] Milewski J., Swirski K.: Modelling the SOFC behaviours by artificial neural network, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 34, 2009, p.5546 – 5553.
[34] 2010 key world energy statistics, International Energy Agency, 2010.
[35] Ridjan I., Van Mathiesen B., Connolly D., Duic N.: The feasibility of synthetic fuels in renewable energy systems, Energy (2013),
[36] The Hydrogen Economy. Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and R&D Needs, National Research Council and National Academy of Engineering, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. USA, 2004.
[37] Winsche W.E., Hoffman K.C., Salzano F.J.: Hydrogen: Its Future Role in the Nation’s Energy Economy, Science 180, 1973, p.1325 – 1332.
[38] Stolten D. (editor): Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, 2010.
[39] Kakac S., Pramuanjaroenkij A., Zhou X.Y.: A review of numerical modelling of solid oxide fuel cells, International journal of hydrogen energy 32, 2007, p.761 – 786.
[40] Suwanwarangkul R., Croiset E., Fowler M.W., Douglas P.L., Entchev E., Douglas M.A.: Performance comparison of Fick’s, dusty-gas and Stefan-Maxwell models to predict the concentration overpotential of a SOFC anode, Journal of Power Sources 122, 2003, p.9 – 18.
[41] Costamagna P., Costa P., Antonucci V.: Micro-modelling of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes, Electrochimica Acta 43, 1998, p.375 – 394.
[42] Chan S.H., Chen X.J., Khor K.A.: An electrolyte model for ceramic oxygen generator and solid oxide fuel cell, Journal of Power Sources 111, 2002, p.320 – 328.
[43] Comets O., Voorhees P.: Equilibrium Nucleation Calculation, unpublished. Available in: Barnett S.A.: Potential Performance of SOECs,
[44] Schouler E.J.L., Kleitz M., Forest E., Fernandez E., Fabry P.: Overpotential of H2-H2O, Ni/YSZ electrodes in steam electrolyzers, Solid State Ionics 5, 1981, p.559 – 562.
[45] Isenberg A.O.: Energy Conversion Via Solid Oxide Electrolyte Electrochemical Cells at High Temperatures, Solid State Ionics 3-4, 1981, p.431 – 437.
[46] Doenitz W., Schmidberger R., Steinheil E., Streicher R.: Hydrogen Production by High Temperature Electrolysis of Water Vapor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 5, 1980, p.55 – 63.
[47] Weissbart J., Smart W.H.: Study of Electrolytic Dissociation of CO2-H2O Using a Solid Oxide Electrolyte, Lockheed Missiles & Space Company report, 1967.
[48] Elikan L., Morris J.P., Wu C.K.: Development of Solid Electrolyte Carbon Dioxide and Water Reduction System for Oxygen Recovery, Westinghouse Electric Corporation report, 1972.
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How to Cite
STEMPIEN, Jan Pawel; SUN, Qiang; CHAN, Siew Hwa.
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell Modeling: A Review.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 4, p. 216--246, sep. 2013.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Energy Conversion and Storage
Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell (SOEC); Modelling of Solid Oxide Electrolyzer; Review of SOEC modelling; electrolysis
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