Comparison of Simple Design of Sodium and Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Cores

  • Piotr Mazgaj Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Piotr Darnowski Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Sebastian Gurgacz Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Maciej Lipka Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
  • Karolina Dziubanii Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology


Abstract The purpose of this report was to present the results of a numerical simulation of thermal hydraulics processes in the liquid metal cooled fast reactor core, combined with the simple neutron population computing for infinite pin cell lattice. Two types of the coolant have been studied: liquid sodium and the liquid lead, with all requirements regarded to safety conditions. Temperature distributions along the cooling channel and distributions in radial direction have been prepared and in the next step the criticality calculations using MCNP Monte Carlo code for MOX fuel have been conducted.

Author Biographies

Piotr Mazgaj, Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
PhD Student at Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Piotr Darnowski, Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Master Student at Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Sebastian Gurgacz, Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Master Student at Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Maciej Lipka, Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Master Student at Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.
Karolina Dziubanii, Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology
Bachelor Student at Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology.


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How to Cite
MAZGAJ, Piotr et al. Comparison of Simple Design of Sodium and Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Cores. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 94, n. 5, p. 16--26, may 2014. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.


lead fast reactor; sodium fast reactor; pin design; MCNP

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