Exergy and exergo-economic based analysis of a gas turbine power generation system

  • Ali Mousafarash Mechanical & Energy Engineering Department, Power and Water University of Technology (PWUT)
  • Mohammad Ameri Mechanical & Energy Engineering Department, Power and Water University of Technology (PWUT)


In this research study, energy, exergy and exergo-economic analysis of Montazer Ghaem gas turbine power plant which is located near Tehran, capital city of Iran is carried out. The results of this study reveal that the highest exergy destruction occurs in the combustion chamber (CC) where the large temperature difference is the major source of the irreversibility and also gas turbine and compressor are the other components followed by the combustion chamber. In addition, the effects of the gas turbine load variations and ambient temperature are conducted to see how system performance changes since the gas turbine is significantly affected by the ambient temperature which leads to a decrease in the net power output. The results of the load variation of the gas turbine show that a reduction in the gas turbine load, results a decrease in the exergy efficiency of the cycle as well as all the components.  As it was expected, the effect of an increase in ambient temperature has a negative effect on the exergy efficiency of the cycle so this reason could be enhanced by using the gas turbine air inlet cooling methods. In addition, an exergo-economic analysis is conducted to determine the cost of exergy destruction in each component and to determine the cost of fuel. The results show that combustion chamber has the largest cost of exergy destruction like exergy analysis.
How to Cite
MOUSAFARASH, Ali; AMERI, Mohammad. Exergy and exergo-economic based analysis of a gas turbine power generation system. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 1, p. 44--51, mar. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/365>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.
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