Influence of Flow Parameters on Capture of Carbon Dioxide Gas by a Wet Scrubber

  • Hiram Ndiritu Jomo Kenyatta University
  • K. Kibicho Jomo Kenyatta University
  • B. B. Gathitu Jomo Kenyatta University


Increase in atmospheric temperature has been found to cause a rise in sea level, melting of snow in ice capped mountains,prolonged drought among others. This is due to increase in energy demand for economic growth which in turn has causedemission of carbon dioxide at a rate of 6 billion tonnes annually. Analysis has shown that carbon dioxide forms between13 to 15% of the combustion exhaust gases that are released directly into the atmosphere. Such concentrations areeectively reduced using wet scrubbing. This is a capturing mechanism that involves interaction of a liquid and thegas phase in a counter ow conguration. In this paper the performance of such a system based on variation in owproperties is presented. Results have shown that an increase in liquid and gas ow rate causes a 19% rise in absorptionof carbon dioxide. This was as a result of proper mixing of gas and liquid phases within the absorber facilitated by thepacked bed surface. Heating of the carbon dioxide gas caused an increase in absorption of more than 10% for varyingliquid ow rate and by 14% for varying gas ow rate. This was attributed to an increase in heat energy for reaction ofcarbon dioxide and water.


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How to Cite
NDIRITU, Hiram; KIBICHO, K.; GATHITU, B. B.. Influence of Flow Parameters on Capture of Carbon Dioxide Gas by a Wet Scrubber. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 93, n. 1, p. 9--15, mar. 2013. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.
Combustion and Fuel Processing


global warming, carbon dioxide capture, wet scrubbers, absorption rate

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