New equipment layouts of combined cycle power plants and their influence on the combined cycle unites performance

  • Arkadiy Zaryankin Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
  • Alexander Mager Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)
  • Andrey Rogalev Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University)


In terms of  energy efficiency the combined cycle power plants take the lead place. However these installations still has growth potential.This paper deals with new equipment layout which allows to decrease capital and operating costs and  to increase the power unit capacity up to 800-900 MW with high efficiency.In terms of thermal efficiency the optimal air compression ratio in gas turbine unite compressors which operates as a part of combined cycle power unit is lower than air compression ratio of gas turbine unite compressors which operates separately.The air compression ratio decrease result in passage to new high temperature heat recovery boilers and high temperature steam turbines.
How to Cite
ZARYANKIN, Arkadiy; MAGER, Alexander; ROGALEV, Andrey. New equipment layouts of combined cycle power plants and their influence on the combined cycle unites performance. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 91, n. 4, p. 206--211, nov. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 dec. 2024.
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