The Calculation of the Parameters of Water Steam and Water with the Use of the Computer

  • Marek Bednarkiewicz


It is presented the procedure that was recorded in GIER Algol III code and that calculates all the interdependences between water steam and water parameters that are indispensable for calculation (with the aid of computer) of the termic circulation of the power station working in changin conditions.The work include the compendium of analytical interdepences between water steam and water parameters that were used for programming and the procedure description and examples of verifying calculations.
How to Cite
BEDNARKIEWICZ, Marek. The Calculation of the Parameters of Water Steam and Water with the Use of the Computer. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 29, p. 23-42, aug. 2011. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025.

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