Emergency Response Capability Evaluation of Power Transmission and Transformation Projects Based on Projection Pursuit Method

  • LI Shuo
  • FU Xin
  • HE Yuanyuan


To adapt to the rapid development of power transmission and transformation projects, improve their emergency response capability level, and reduce the losses caused by accidents, the projection pursuit method was introduced into the emergency response capability evaluation of power transmission and transformation projects. The emergency response capability evaluation system of power transmission and transformation projects has been established mostly from each composition and structure of power transmission and transformation engineering systems, and highly subjective evaluation methods have been adopted to assess the models established. In this study, a total of 19 concrete indexes were selected from 4 aspects—monitoring and early warning capability, emergency control capability, emergency rescue and disposal capability, and emergency support capability—to establish an emergency response capability evaluation index system of power transmission and transformation projects. Then, an emergency response capability evaluation model for power transmission and transformation projects was constructed based on the projection pursuit model, followed by optimization using real code accelerated genetic algorithm (RAGA); for high-dimensional data, this model could directly find the structure and features of data itself, avoiding the limitations of subjective judgment and contributing to more truthful and reliable evaluation results; finally, this model was used to evaluate and analyze the emergency response capability of six power transmission and transformation projects: GZXS 500kV, JXXY500kV, QHXN 750kV, YNZT 500kV, JSNJ 500kV, and SXXA 750kV. The results show that the six power transmission and transformation projects are different in the emergency response capability level; the emergency response capability level of power transmission and transformation projects is greatly affected by the early warning personnel deployment capability, daily emergency drill capability, emergency technology implementation capability, emergency training and education capability, and risk response capability.
How to Cite
SHUO, LI; XIN, FU; YUANYUAN, HE. Emergency Response Capability Evaluation of Power Transmission and Transformation Projects Based on Projection Pursuit Method. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 104, n. 2, p. 116 -- 129, may 2024. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/1867>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Energy Engineering and Technology

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