Clustering Analysis of Energy Consumption Data in EU regions and other countries of the World

  • Idris Olawale Alugo Warsaw University of Technology
  • Konrad Wojdan


This study’s main goal is to analyse energy consumption in a few selected nations from Africa, America, Asia/Middle East, and Europe, with a breakdown by type of energy source. In addition to highlighting regional similarities, the objectives are to determine changes in the distribution of energy consumption by source and type. This study considered 46 different nations in total. 
Countries in Europe include Austria, Sweden, Czechia, Croatia, Finland, Belgium, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Denmark, Slovenia, Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom. Countries in Africa include Algeria, Egypt, South Africa. Countries in Middle East / Asia include China, India, Turkey, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Kuwait, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. Countries in South/North America include Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United States. Countries in Oceania include Australia and New Zealand. 
The years 2000–2018 were included in the study period. The literature on the topic and the following sources were used to acquire information: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, SHIFT Data Portal with key indicators maintained by Our World in Data. Descriptive statistics, explanations, tabular and graphical representations, cluster analysis using k-means, date time warping (DTW), and descriptive statistics were all employed for the analysis and presentation of the information. Only a few past studies have looked at the connection between the usage of energy from different sources and the level of economic growth, national policies, and countries. The research void in this area is filled by the thesis. 
How to Cite
ALUGO, Idris Olawale; WOJDAN, Konrad. Clustering Analysis of Energy Consumption Data in EU regions and other countries of the World. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 104, n. 3, p. 209--226, july 2024. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Policy, Economy and Society

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