Numerical study on control strategy of a single cell proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell

  • Arkadiusz Szczesniak


The aim of the paper is to examine a control strategy for a single proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell (H+SOFC). The study is based on a dynamic model originating from the steady state reduced order model of H+SOFC. The proposed control strategy is based on a singular PID controller that controls the amount of air delivered to the cathode side of the fuel cell. Additionally, fuel mass flow is correlated with current density to achieve a fixed fuel utilization factor. The concept was tested on typical operating scenarios such as load-follow mode. The study revealed that the singular PID controller is reliable and ensures a safe H+SOFC operation.
How to Cite
SZCZESNIAK, Arkadiusz. Numerical study on control strategy of a single cell proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 102, n. 4, p. 186-192, dec. 2022. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen

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