Comparative analysis of Solar Generation System With 21- CHB-MLI integrated SAPF based ANN and AGPSO tuned PI controller to enhance power quality

  • Seema Agrawal Rajasthan Technical University Kota
  • Mahendra Kumar
  • Mahendra Kumar
  • D. K. Palwalia


This paper represents comparative analysis of artificial neural network (ANN) and AGPSO tuned PI controller based power quality improvement solar generation system. Now a day’s Power quality is a major problem due to non-liner load based on power electronics. SAPF is solution to overcome such power quality issues in dynamic manner. With the use of both soft computing controllers based Shunt active power filter, it is tried to reduce harmonics (distortions), compensate reactive power, enhance power quality and power factor correction of supply voltage. System comprises 21-Level cascaded H-bridge inverter supplied from photovoltaic panel, series coupling inductor and self-supported DC (capacitor) bus. Voltage harmonics of supplied voltage from PV is reduced by 21-level cascades H-bridge inverter in which switching signal is generated by carrier based in phase level shifted pulse width modulation technique. Incremental conductance (IC) MPPT technique is incorporated to maximize PV panel output. Phase locked loop based unit template generation and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm trained ANN and AGPSO tuned PI controller based DC bus voltage regulation is utilized for current quality improvement in SAPF. Comparative results show the effectiveness of ANN controller than AGPSO tuned PI controller. Suggested model is simulated in Matlab/Simulink 2016(b) for effectiveness.
How to Cite
AGRAWAL, Seema et al. Comparative analysis of Solar Generation System With 21- CHB-MLI integrated SAPF based ANN and AGPSO tuned PI controller to enhance power quality. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 102, n. 4, p. 121 -- 131, mar. 2023. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Electrical Engineering

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