Optimizing the Harmony Search Algorithm for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch in American English

  • Mostefa Rahli University of Sciences and Technology Mohamed Boudiaf of Oran
  • abed bouadi Faculty of Physic, USTO, BP 1505, Oran El M’naouer,Oran, Algeria
  • Fatima Zohra Benayed Faculty of Electrical Engineering, USTO, BP 1505, Oran El M’naouer,Oran, Algeria
  • lahouari Abdelhakem-Koridak Faculty of Electrical Engineering, USTO, BP 1505, Oran El M’naouer,Oran, Algeria


Achieving optimal utilization of multiple combined heat and power (CHP) systems is a complex problem that requires powerful methods for resolution. This paper presents a harmony search (HS) algorithm to address the economic dispatch issue in CHP (CHPED). The recently developed meta-heuristic HS algorithm has been successfully employed in a wide range of optimization problems. The method is demonstrated through a test case from existing literature and a new one proposed by the authors. Numerical results indicate that the proposed algorithm can identify superior solutions compared to traditional methods, and that the Harmony Search algorithm can be effectively applied to CHPED-related problems.
How to Cite
RAHLI, Mostefa et al. Optimizing the Harmony Search Algorithm for Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch in American English. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 103, n. 1, p. 14 -- 20, apr. 2023. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/1760>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Electrical Engineering

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