A Comparative Study of Two Energy Management Schemes for a Fuel-cell Hybrid Power System of Four-Wheel-Drive Electric Vehicle

  • Mohammed Amine SOUMEUR Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
  • Brahim GASBAOUI Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
  • Mohammed Amine HARTANI Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
  • Othmane ABDELKHALEK Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory


This papers investigates energy management strategies (EMSs) for the hybrid Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) Fuel Cell four-wheel-drive electric vehicle (4WDEV). A comparative study of two EMSs for 4WDEV hybrid powertrain source was carried out with a view to improving the vehicle's dynamic response during transients and minimizing hydrogen consumption. Three distributed energy resources (DERs), with the PEM Fuel Cell as the primary source, power the 4WDEV vehicle. A hybrid energy storage system (HESS) includes batteries and supercapacitor devices as the backup unit, in addition to covering autonomy hours. The proposed EMS aims to ensure optimal operation of the vehicle at variable motor speed and torque, taking into consideration the boundaries of the storage devices such as the states of charge and the DC bus voltage. 

Author Biographies

Mohammed Amine SOUMEUR, Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
Electrical Engineering
Brahim GASBAOUI, Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
Pr In Electrical Engineering Department
Mohammed Amine HARTANI, Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
Electrical Engineering
Othmane ABDELKHALEK, Tahri Mohammed University of Bechar, Smart Grid and renewable energy Laboratory
Pr In Electrical Engineering Department
How to Cite
SOUMEUR, Mohammed Amine et al. A Comparative Study of Two Energy Management Schemes for a Fuel-cell Hybrid Power System of Four-Wheel-Drive Electric Vehicle. Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 101, n. 1, p. 34-43, mar. 2021. ISSN 2083-4195. Available at: <https://papers.itc.pw.edu.pl/index.php/JPT/article/view/1605>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
Electrical Engineering


Electric vehicle, Energy management, PEM Fuel cell, DTC-SVM, DC-DC converter, Hybrid storage.

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