Investigation exhaust emissions and performance characteristics of a diesel engine by using addition of nanoparticles to diesel fuel
Users of fossil fuels are facing a range of challenges such as long-term rising demand, climate concerns due to emission of greenhouse gases, ecological pollution, finite reserves and price fluctuations. Diesel fuel is similarly affected, though with its own subset of issues. Studies suggest that diesel fuel characteristics are affected by addition of nanoparticles. In this research, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were blended with pure diesel as an additive at concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 ppm to assess the emission and performance characteristics of a single-cylinder compression combustion engine. The considered emission contents included CO, CO2, HC, and NO produced by an engine at 50% and 100% loads, at 1800, 2300, and 2800 rpm. Addition of CNTs to the diesel fuel considerably reduced the emission of CO, CO2, HC, and NO compared to additive-free diesel fuel. Furthermore, with the addition of carbon nanotubes, the Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) and the Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC) decreased, while the power and Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE) increased at all loads and speeds of the engine.References
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25.Hosseini, S.H., Taghizadeh-Alisaraei, A., Ghobadian,
B., and Abbaszadeh-Mayvan, A. (2017) Performance
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A comprehensive review on combustion and stability
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2.D'Silva, R., Binu, K.G., and Bhat, T. (2015) Performance
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3.Celik, M., Solmaz, H., and Yucesu, H.S. (2015) Examination
of the eects of organic based manganese
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4.El-Seesy, A.I., Abdel-Rahman, A.K., Bady, M.,
and Ookawara, S. (2017) Performance combustion,
and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled
by biodiesel-diesel mixtures with multi-walled carbon
nanotubes additives. Energy Conversion and Manage-
ment, 135, 373{393.
5.Banapurmath, N.R., Sankaran, R., Tumbal, A.V.,
N., N.T., Hunshyal, A.M., and Ayachit, N.H. (2014)
Experimental investigation on direct injection diesel
engine fuelled with graphene silver and multiwalled
carbon nanotubes-biodiesel blended fuels. Interna-
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6.Lin, C.-Y., and Lin, H.-A. (2007) Engine performance
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emulsion of biodiesel produced by peroxidation. Fuel
Processing Technology, 88 (1), 35{41.
7.Gumus, S., Ozcan, H., Ozbey, M., and Topaloglu,
B. (2016) Aluminum oxide and copper oxide nanodiesel
fuel properties and usage in a compression ignition
engine. Fuel, 163, 80{87.
8.Lenin, M.A., Swaminathan, M.R., and Kumaresan,
G. (2013) Performance and emission characteristics
of a DI diesel engine with a nanofuel additive. Fuel,
109, 362{365.
9.Rashedul, H.K., Kalam, M.A., Masjuki, H.H., Teoh,
Y.H., How, H.G., Monirul, I.M., and Imdadul, H.K.
(2017) Attempts to minimize nitrogen oxide emission
from diesel engine by using antioxidant-treated dieselbiodiesel
blend. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 24 (10), 9305{9313.
10.Basha, J.S., and Anand, R.B. (2011) An experimental
investigation in a diesel engine using carbon
nanotubes blended water{diesel emulsion fuel.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engi-
neers Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 225 (3),
11.Raja, B., Praveenkumar, N., Professor, A., K S,
D.A., PERIYASAMY, S., Professor, and Babu, K.
(2015) Study on Characteristics of CI Engine Using
Nano Additive Blended Diesel Fuel. Interna-
tional Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 10,
12.Ozgur, T., Tuccar, G., Uludamar, E., Ylmaz, A.,
Gungor, C., Ozcanli, M., Serin, H., and Aydin, K.
(2015) Eect of nanoparticle additives on NOx emissions
of diesel fuelled compression ignition engine. In-
ternational Journal of Global Warming, 7, 487{498.
13.Saraee, H.S., Jafarmadar, S., Taghavifar, H., and
Ashra, S.J. (2015) Reduction of emissions and fuel
consumption in a compression ignition engine using
nanoparticles. International Journal of Environmental
Science and Technology, 12 (7), 2245{2252.
14.Keskin, A., Ocakoglu, K., Aslan Resitoglu,
_Ibrahim, Avsar, G., Emen, F.M., and Buldum, B.
(2015) Using Pd(II) and Ni(II) complexes with N N
-dimethyl- N 0-2-chlorobenzoylthiourea ligand as fuel
additives in diesel engine. Fuel, 162, 202{206.
15.Shaa, T., and Velraj, R. (2015) In
uence of
alumina nanoparticles ethanol and isopropanol blend
as additive with diesel{soybean biodiesel blend fuel:
Combustion, engine performance and emissions. Re-
newable Energy, 80, 655{663.
16.Ghafoori, M., Ghobadian, B., Naja, G., Layeghi,
M., Rashidi, A., and Mamat, R. (2015) Eect of
nano-particles on the performance and emission of
a diesel engine using biodiesel-diesel blend. Interna-
tional Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engi-
neering, 12, 3097{3108.
17.Shaa, T., Sairam, K., Gopinath, A., Kumaresan,
G., and Velraj, R. (2015) Eect of dispersion of
various nanoadditives on the performance and emission
characteristics of a CI engine fuelled with diesel
biodiesel and blends|A review. Renewable and Sus-
tainable Energy Reviews, 49, 563{573.
18.Mehta, R.N., Chakraborty, M., and Parikh, P.A.
(2014) Nanofuels: Combustion engine performance
and emissions. Fuel, 120, 91{97.
19.Basha, J.S., and Anand, R.B. (2014) Performance
emission and combustion characteristics of a
diesel engine using Carbon Nanotubes blended Jatropha
Methyl Ester Emulsions. Alexandria Engineer-
ing Journal, 53 (2), 259{273.
20.Selvan, V.A.M., Anand, R.B., and Udayakumar,
M. (2014) Eect of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and
Carbon Nanotubes as fuel-borne additives in Diesterol
blends on the performance combustion and emission
characteristics of a variable compression ratio engine.
Fuel, 130, 160{167.
21.Wamankar, A.K., and Murugan, S. (2015) Combustion
performance and emission of a diesel engine
fuelled with diesel doped with carbon black. Energy,
86, 467{475.
22.Karthikeyan, S., and Prathima, A. (2016)
Characteristics analysis of carbon nanowires
in diesel:Neochloris oleoabundansalgae oil
biodiesel{ethanol blends in a CI engine. Energy
Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environ-
mental Eects, 38 (20), 3089{3094.
23.Basha, J.S. (2018) Impact of Carbon Nanotubes
and Di-Ethyl Ether as additives with biodiesel emulsion
fuels in a diesel engine { An experimental investigation.
Journal of the Energy Institute, 91 (2),
24.Gnanasikamani, B. (2015) Eect of CNT as additive
with biodiesel on the performance and emission
characteristics of a DI diesel engine. International
Journal of ChemTech Research, 7, 1230{1236.
25.Hosseini, S.H., Taghizadeh-Alisaraei, A., Ghobadian,
B., and Abbaszadeh-Mayvan, A. (2017) Performance
and emission characteristics of a CI engine
fuelled with carbon nanotubes and diesel-biodiesel
blends. Renewable Energy, 111, 201{213.
How to Cite
NOZARI, Vali et al.
Investigation exhaust emissions and performance characteristics of a diesel engine by using addition of nanoparticles to diesel fuel.
Journal of Power Technologies, [S.l.], v. 100, n. 2, p. 129-137, may 2020.
ISSN 2083-4195.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Combustion and Fuel Processing
Carbon Nanotubes, Diesel Fuel, Emission, performance, Engine,
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